I'm a huge fan of the Tenth Doctor, my favorite since Tom, but there's not denying the utter brilliance of Christopher Eccelston as the Ninth Doctor. Fantastic actor, fantastic Doctor, and yes, it is a shame he only did one series before turning into Claude the invisible man on Heroes (which, I have to say, he's brilliant in as well) So, inspired by both him, and a LJ community I found recently called
if_we_let_go which was created to explore the alien aspects of the Doctor (which I've always loved) I created this banner:
I've always loved that line, I tried to get the entire thing on there, but I couldn't. If you like it, feel free to take it and use it, just please comment to tell me you're doing so. My usual rule stands, do whatever the hell you want with it, as long as you comment. Credit is not required, but is very, very nice.
And when you get the chance, go over to
if_we_let_go , it's a really neat community, with some awesome fics posted. If you like fics that focus on the Doctor's alienness, it's the place to be :D