Location: Ophara
For: Anyone
*is writing in her journal*
I am surrounded by idiots. It's enough to make a decent, sane Time Lady go mad. I suppose I should be thankful that the Doctor broke a load of laws of Time and I'm alive, but to be here like this?
The Opharan government is decidedly corrupt. Everyone's paying off everyone to keep them from doing anything. When I mentioned there was a population of Time Lords here, they all freaked the fuck out and started back-tracking. Apparently they think I'm on to them. I am, but I'm not exactly interested. In a move that will probably be rather...well, like the Master, I've decided that I should just take over. Though slightly less violently, I think. I've gained the help of Lucy Saxon, and Ianto Jones both of whom are terribly efficient at everything especially schmoozing and charming people into agreeing with them. Really, they could do worse than having me in charge. They are really.
The Rani is being decidedly difficult and kidnapping people. I should try to put a stop to this but really, if you're silly enough to...go along with someone so obviously insane...anyway. THe Doctor said he was experimenting with a Vortex manipulator and blackholes. Yeah, all right Omega. Why don't you just go shag Rassilon some more. Of all the Time Lords that ever were..I am stuck with these three. I think I'll steal K-9 from the Doctor. He enjoys my company more anyway.