Barbarians, Vampires, and the Brits: Roman Nosikov about the end of the pirate civilization

Apr 04, 2018 20:29

What have we done, Maggie what have we done?
What have we done to England?
Should we shout, should we scream
"What happened to the post war dream?"
Oh Maggie, Maggie what have we done?
Pink Floyd. The Post War Dream.

As the situation in Great Britain develops, one cannot help feeling pity for the conspiracy theory fans, who believe the whole world, including Russia and the Moon, is being ruled by the witty and well bred elite gentlemen, assisted by their dobbins and barrymores.

The British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in his recent interview to Zhanna Nemtsova has put it bluntly, that the chemical laboratory, so well located just near Salisbury, possesses a sample of what they call “Novichok”. That is, he fully recognized the rightness of the Russian UN ambassador Vasily Nebenya:
“- ... I’m genuinely distressed by what has happened. But when I look at the evidence; I mean, the people from Porton Down, the laboratory…”

- They have the samples?

-They do. And they were absolutely categorical and I asked the guy myself, I said, ‘Are you sure?’ And he said there’s no doubt.”

When I was watching the interview, I struggled hard to formulate a question, and it was crystal clear to me by the end. I was trying to understand, where Mr Johnson is hiding his “oseledets” (traditional Ukrainian Cossack haircut), and what the English embroidered shirt “vyshivanka” must look like.
What we are facing now bears not even a slight resemblance to guile or elitism. This elephant tact, ostrich bravery and the kind of competence are so painfully familiar. Great Britain, with its mists, gentlemen, porridge, the Queen and Baker Street, - now stinks with “dumka”, “peremoga” and lard with garlic.

A village.

The question arises involuntarily: how could the heirs of Kipling come to this?

Here is my hypothesis.

Deer needs no fangs

The art of management, intrigue, politics, all that elitism, cunning and gentleman style are the result of deep specialization. That is, a thoroughly conducted division of intellectual labour. As a rule, the diversity of intellectual labour is greater, when a society can spend more product on the intelligentsia.
Basically, that is the answer.

The vast colonies allowed Britain not only to perform the so-called primary accumulation of capital, but also to generate from its intelligentsia its specific form - the eggheads, who are inclined to create a management philosophy.
As long as Britain is precisely a colonial empire based on the economic model of monstrous exploitation of the population of the native provinces, including the trade in opium and slaves, the management philosophy (cultural superstructure) has developed in strict accordance with the basis - insidious, chauvinistic and inhumane.
So much for the “White Man's Burden”.

Britain really did rule half the humanity - and this could not but produce the appropriate type of specialists. And those, in turn, could not help but affect their own culture.

But just as the British elite controlled half of the planet, so the British intelligentsia was, in fact, a colonial manager. With all the accompanying philosophy of oppression and enslavement.

That is, the British culture has fully absorbed the notion of humanity not as a single subject, but as hunting grounds, on which one civilization eats others. And the notorious British double standards in these conditions are no hypocrisy at all, but on the contrary, a radiant candour.
A deer needs no fangs. He is prey. So it is arranged by nature, and therefore it is fair.

The world according to this ideology is a prey that must be caught up, killed and consumed. Or conquered, enslaved and exploited. This is the philosophy of raid and robbery.

The Rage of Normans

The irony is that Britain, and later the US, eventually created a whole civilization of raids - that is, the civilization of barbarism.

Vikings, traders (the same pirates, only sometimes they also trade) and pirates (almost like traders, when they sell the loot) conquered and devastated the continental peasant lands, took everything valuable home to hang over the fireplace. Gradually they rooted, started to milk and protect the appropriated. They settled down eventually.

Then the French the vineyards, or the Russian rye fields faced sudden peace and even satiety. But what can bring peace and satiety to the overpopulated islands?
The predator gained lustre and manners, yet not a drop of the original essence was lost. A civilization-viking emerged, not with drakkars and swords, but with firearms, sails, and then the steam, the nuclear fleet. And then the Hindus and the Chinese learned the charms of the people, of whom the Irish used to pray: “From the rage of Normans, good Lord, deliver us”.

That's why pirates, vikings and vampires are so much loved in Britain. Especially vampires and especially in the recent times. A vampire is always a young, intelligent, powerful, beautiful, rich and refined man-eater. This is how they romanticize themselves. This is what they see as the world elite.

The private problem of Britain is that they were deprived of the first predator role and of real, full-fledged robbery after the Second World War. And the non-sovereign state, which is no longer the first predator, but a minion with one, needs no predatory intellectual elite.

Therefore, the old British elite within a few generations was replaced by people with the psychology of "excellent students" - always agreeing with the teacher and ready fink. The real intellectuals of rape and robbery migrated to the United States.

The main problem of the barbaric civilization is that the world has ceased to be hunting grounds. The world is globalized. It is entire and does not want to be a prey or a victim anymore.

Without blood, the vampire fades and begins to decay. The decline affects everything, including the intelligentsia and the ruling class. What began with Roosevelt - ends with fainting Clinton. In the UK, examples are even sadder, look at Nemtsova's interlocutor for instance.

They can still kill and rob. But the grip is not what it used to be, the position is not indisputable. That is why an exceptional nation must always remind the world of its exclusivity. Just because the world no longer remembers.

The World is No Longer a Prey

Three important points must me made here.

Point one: Russia is a complete antagonist to the viking civilization.

Russia also embraces a lot of people. But none of those were enslaved or plundered. These peoples joined in the general project of creating a grandiose empire without colonies. And Russian culture in these conditions has become a culture-teacher.

In other words, Russia is transforming what was suitable for robbery and exploitation into something that is not. Russia spoils the world-prey. Therefore, Russia is an ontological enemy to the barbarian pirate.

Point two: America is domination. Where there is no domination - there is no America in its very essence. There is no elite or the society that we are talking about. Becoming "like everyone" means for them becoming like their food. Stop being themselves. Lose their selves. That is, just stop being.

And the question is: do they need a world in which they do not exist? Do they need a world they cannot rule over?

Vladimir Putin has recently asked: “Why would we want a world without Russia?” For such a world to come, Russia needs to be physically destroyed. While according to the modern American elites, the world without America will come, if America is simply deprived of domination. But would they want a world like that?
Point three: The United States is getting weaker still, so Britain can now raise its head, which was forced to bow in 1945. Whether this is going to happen, will depend on what sort of elite London will reproduce in the coming 10 years. Will that be the "excellent student" elite, which is now trying to engage in politics? Or will the eyes of the “Norman rage” look at the world again?

We shall see.

Roman Nosikov

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