May 21, 2006 00:32
- So I managed to keep my LJ for two and a half months before making an intoxicated post. Well, I started the journal last year, but I never posted in it until March, so I'm counting from then. So, what's the point of making a drunk(well, almost drunk)post? To say two things - one: If you have any weakness for alcohol, whether it be genetic or learned, and your friends invite you out for drinks, don't go. Or if you do go, don't have four Long Island Iced Teas, because, if you live in a very small place(like I do), you will invariably run into someone that you don't want to see. I almost made it out of the restaurant without seeing both of my nephews. Now, they're both adults - grown men - and I know that, but, no matter how old I get, I don't want to drink with them or around them, in any manner. It's just too strange. Do they think so? Probably not, but I do, and that's what matters. I haven't had a drop since New Years Eve, but, of course, when I do, I end up with a bad experience. That's my luck.
-Oh, and the second thing I wanted to say with my drunk post - I'm a hypocrite, of the highest order really. That's cryptic, for sure, but the fact that I can't explain it is what makes me a hypocrite.
Edited to say: And also, don't play Silent Hill 4 when you've been drinking. You won't have the slightest clue what's going on. Stick to eating dots & ghosts. :p