You do seem to find the most interesting memes,
Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List each one in your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance it has.
(Ok, I'm cheating a bit 'cause, while I do have over 50 icons, it's barely over fifty, so I'll do every fifth one instead of every seventh.)
This one is from a cartoon drawn by
coolbyrne. See, it's Iron Man and he's stuck indoors's raining! It's probably my favorite of the cartoons she's drawn, and when she told me that a lot of people didn't "get" it, I thought "how could you NOT get it??" So, after intense negotiations, she allowed me to use the image, as long as she received full credit and a generous percentage of any revenue garnered from it's use. Which is only fair, I suppose, since she did all the artwork. I just added the text. :p
This is part of an England series I made to show my support for the team during the World Cup(fat lot of good it did.) The rest of the series included Becks, Stevie, Owen, and a special one that I made for
coolbyrne that featured Alan Shearer. I kept this one because, of them all, it's my favorite: I love the original picture and how it looked with the crossprocessing adjustment, too. Rooney certainly has his faults, but he does personify that passion that I feel is missing in a lot of modern footballers. Plus, being a Liverpool fan, this is my only chance to have a Rooney icon 'cause, when he's playing for his club, he's just another piece of Manc scum. ;p
Ahh, my first Gordon Ramsay icon. :) At the time this was made, I'd only seen him on Hell's Kitchen, and the text from this icon comes from there. There was just something insanely funny to me about hearing a grown man scream "Where's the lamb sauce????" Hell, even though I know much more about him now, it's still pretty funny. :)
Everyone should know by now that this is a scene from Bad Girls, featuring Helen Stewart on the left & Nikki Wade on the right. I love this picture because, I think if you take out the bars in front of them, it becomes any other cheeky moment between any other couple, anywhere in the world. It's an intimate moment in a very non-intimate setting.
Ahh, the lovely Mandana Jones. I was afraid I'd get through the entire meme and not end up with an icon of her alone. That being said, it's not the best picture of her, but this one is part of an inside joke between
coolbyrne and I. The joke involves Mandana's ability to engender such steadfast devotion from her fans. And how she might view that. :p
MJ again, looking for all the world like someone who just can't help being adorable. The quote is from a Hell's Kitchen contestant that's best forgotten.
Now, we reach the fandom that's been with me the longest. Star Wars has been a part of my life since I was very young. As a child, whenever I had no friends, I would lose myself in the toys & books of the Star Wars universe. Regardless of what was going on around me, I could always be happy there. Now if I could just perfect that Jedi mind trick thing, I'd have it made. :p
Heh, this is Liam Gallagher, lead singer for the band Oasis. Some people think he's a bit of a prick, and, to be honest, he can be. But, pound for pound, he's the most charismatic & honest front man for any band out there today. Or, I think so anyway. :)
Mandana Jones as Nikki Wade. A lonely and heartbroken Nikki Wade. *sniff*
Star Wars again, this time an image from the promotional artwork for The Clone Wars micro-series. Anyone who's seen the movies will get the meaning. Anyone who hasn't seen them probably won't care. :)
Ok, I'm not obsessed with Star Wars. It just seems that way.
coolbyrne, stop laughing. :p