Jan 03, 2006 16:16
So the new year is here and that means for most people a time to sit down and make a new list of goals.
I have been looking at my life and trying to come up with a solid 5 year plan. 2005 was a great year for me. It marked a number of huge changes in my life. A book, the end of a relationship, a new out look on my job and my financial security, independence, living alone for the first time in years...
I don't really know what 2006 will bring but I have made a list of some goals I would like to reach.
1. Pay off all and any outstanding debt...I'm almost there...
2. Put a huge chunk of change into my savings so I can look at buying a home in 2007.
3. Get all matters dealing with my car up to date and taken care of new plates, registration, a good tune up!
4. At some point this year get my ass back to the gym...Romaine needs to lose 30lbs!
5. Get back to Wyoming to see my mom...it has been almost two years since I have been back home.
6. Go on a real vacation...someplace with a beach so I can build a sand castle!
7. Continue to help make DNR the best fucking radio show ever!
I'm sure there is more but this is a good start!