In protection of Anne

May 19, 2008 08:42

Well, I got to thinking, there was little Anne & the Giant Bird sitting on my icon for time-eternal, just waiting, and wishing wish upon wish to become an actual storybook.

So, I'm working on it-- but, in the meantime, how fair is it to have wee little Anne appearing here and there all over LJ, as if representative of me, still uncertain of a rightful fate of her very own, still not yet colorfully bound in binding and still not yet surrounded by one illustration after another featuring she herself, and her fateful friend the Giant White Bird?

Not fair at all, my friends. Hopeful & well-intentioned as I am, allowing a good illustration to languish in a virtual world, diminished as a wee little snapshot and never given plenty of attention to grow and grow, well, it's simply a mistake, in plain truth.

Gosh, what did I actually want to write about today? Redemption & restoration & all that?

Well, sure, but, I'll keep it brief. Right! --I wanted to remind myself that I absolutely must thank Michael for leaving Lucas & I to our own devices for getting-up-&-getting-ready-for-school-time. I so like being just Luke & me in the AMs as I'd gotten used to: Mike & I are too too complicated, I'm not free to be; as we don't share anything, I just end up squished into a corner of redundancy or acquiescence or watchful over-carefulness.

Oho- BUT, there is an actual moment of redemption that did already happen: In talking with a friend last Tuesday walking along the towpath by the Delaware (which most certainly was just as treed & leafy as the illustration of Walking in the Woods of Anne & the Giant Bird, so the setting itself was just plain restorative), I realized that I had, it's true, lost my cooking mojo. The simplest thing in the world I'd done the week prior- a teriyaki stir-fry, right- veggies pre-cut & frozen, garlic, teriyaki sauce already in a bottle, sliced up pork, no big deal, and rice already cooking in another pot. But noooooooooo- it was disgusting!

Luke was a model of diplomacy, and reminded me, the chocolate chip cookies I'd made were good!, and that he'd be happy with just a bowl of plain rice instead.

What indeed was I supposed to do for the cooking & philosophy group when we next met? I was all out of ideas. I'd lost my cooking mojo. It was very sad.

Then I realized I needed a curriculum. Remember long-term subbing & volunteering in Ukraine, Roma? You didn't like flying by the seat of your pants for longer than one day. Lesson-plans were my greatest new-found friends!

So, I hearkened back to more convenient times, when I'd go to Borders and find everything under the sun & more. It had to be done, even with a 30+ minute drive to Flemington.

I pored over scores of cooking books! And then I found the only one that would do for me at this very time: simple ingredients, uncomplicated comfort food, enough with the frou-frou adventures based on whims instead of true stories & traditions (my next adventures in new things will still be grounded in background), and, most importantly, a prevailing sense of community which was _exactly_ what I'd wanted to prevail upon my little group of food ministry.

Such a relief. Now I can't wait until the next meeting- though, oh, dear, I certainly do have to ready my house in case someone else can't host.

Uh-oh overcastedness- I wonder how much I can get done outside before I get rained on? I better run!
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