Mar 31, 2013 13:26
It occurs to me, the most suspicious character in a Hitchcock movie, is Hitchcock himself. He's always there, in each movie, and he doesn't interact with any of the characters. But he's there, in the midst of it all happening. Not only that, he's the one telling us these stories, so he obviously knows everything. But he still has no interaction with the characters-he just appears in the middle of everything, disappears, and then tells us everything that has happened.
I only really thought of this today, though I had the hint of it before. That's why I had put the drifter in all my plays- they're all either written by him, or by Jewel, my other character, based on what they've seen. But I've never really thought about this before- that that's exactly what Hitchcock was doing, even if he did it intentionally or not.