
May 05, 2011 00:50

just finish watching Himitsu no Arashi-chan :) not sleepy yet, so i'm just gonna post something about "Famous Proverbs"..hehehe, i personally pick those proverbs that i like. i like the sayings, and also the meaning..

A merry heart makes a long life.
Meaning : Being happy brings good health.

However long the night,

the dawn will break

Meaning : bad things don't last forever.

All that glitters is not gold.
Meaning : One should not be led by appearance.

Action speaks louder than words:
Meaning : One should implement his actions, rather than keep talking about them.

All good things

come to those who wait.  
Meaning: Patience brings rewards.

A broken friendship may be soldered but will
 never be sound.  
 Meaning: Friendships can be rebuilt after a dispute but will never be as strong as before.

Still waters run deep.
Meaning : a quiet person can have much knowledge and wisdom

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Meaning: different people have different taste

Half a loaf is better than none
Meaning : you should be grateful of something, even if it's not as much as you wanted

Out of sight, out of mind.
Meaning: we tend to forget people or things we do not see

You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
Meaning: you help me, and i'll help you

english proverbs

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