Dec 08, 2005 09:31
I have some time to kill before work, so I decided to post a quick update. Haha, and I promise it won't be as long as my usual ones. Well, I promise I'll try not to make it as long as my usual ones...
Last night was the Pi Tau Sigma initiation and banquet. I'm finally a member!! That makes 4/7 members of the house Pi Tau Sigma'ers. Now we know who the real cool kids are in the house, mwah ha ha...
One of the things I love about winter, other than the gloriously beautiful snow (which we finally got this morning!! More on that later, though...), is the fact that when I walk to class, my hair freezes. It's fun, though...probably not very good for it, huh?
And yes, it's true! The wait is over, it's snowing in Rolla!! I woke up from the couch this morning (I fell asleep last night while watching "NINJA III: THE DOMINATION"), and outside the window was a magnificent sight of white!! Oh man, I'm stoked. It's just too bad I'm gonna be spending most of the day/night at work and studying for two exams tomorrow (one of which is a final...drats).
Hopefully there'll still be snow in Kansas City on Christmas. I don't mean to sound cheesy, but a white Christmas just makes the day a whole lot better for some reason. That, and last year's had like 128 degree weather outside and was just flippin' weird, I tell ya...
I still want to travel abroad this summer. Studying or not, it doesn't matter anymore. I just want to go. Even more so now than ever before. Does anyone seriously want to go with me? Eh eh? I'll even pay for your peanuts on the plane!
I've decided that next year, my first semester will be design/visually oriented. I'm going to take a drawing class and a computer design one. Among other classes, mind you. I don't intend on taking just 6 hours... But while working on my design project last week, I came to realize how much I love using 3D solid modelling programs (especially good ol' Unigraphics!!) to design things. Even something as boring as a stupid gearbox reducer...
Also, my new favorite VISUAL artist is kozyndan (well, actually, they're two people...Kozy 'n' Dan). Look 'em up, they're wonderful...
Anyways, the time has come. Time for work. Stupid stupid work...
PS I miss writing fun essays. I haven't written a good fun one since like Sophomore year of highschool, and it was about Conan the Barbarian (I got a B, what a load of crap...). Well, actually, technically, I did write a pretty sweet essay on Micro Machines for Ben not too long ago. I'll have to post that beauty up one of these days. Anyways, give me a topic to write something about, serious or ridiculous, anything's fine.