I'll bite your motherfucking style, just to make it fresher.

May 05, 2009 18:09

My birthday was nice, this boy bought me a bottle and we got all drunk and watched "Don't Be A Menace". Spent Friday night at Sarah's house since we weren't allowed to go to the bar, but Ring of Fire's always fun. This weekend was pretty horrible and emotionally draining. I didn't go to work yesterday for a bunch of reasons, but mostly because I wanted to sleep and have a day that I didn't spend crying. I drove down to Boomer's and Val and I rode the go-karts because I needed to blow off some steam (it was either go-karts or a shooting range). I had never driven a go-kart before so it was all sorts of exciting! I was basically drift queen of the south 2k9 and I want to go back!

On a more positive note, I think I found somewhere to live. I'm going to see it tomorrow with Billy to make a definitely decision. It's a super good location, affordable, and just generally really nice. The landlord is super nice so I'm pretty excited about it. I'd move in June 1st and I really can't explain how happy that makes me. I need out of my grandmother's house soon or else I'm going to have a nervous breakdown.

I'm getting my shit together about school, thanks to persisting by my family. I still have to request transcripts and file my FASFA, but I'm tentatively starting in fall. I'm going to go to BCC (I refuse to call it "Broward College", whatever) because it's cheaper and closer than FAU. I'm going to go part-time (two night classes at North campus, and one online class) for fall and full-time for spring and summer. Depending on my financial aid, I might just work part-time and go to school full-time after this year, so I can double-up on classes and get back on track. I want to graduate ASAP so I can just join the fucking Peace Corps.

So hopefully, with these school and housing related breakthroughs, I will have a car soon. I've got my fingers-crossed big time for everything to go off without a hitch, but I am being realistic about it. I've got a lot of moves to make in the meantime. Gotta get on the grind and get my shit together, end of story.

...and just when I started making progress again, I saw a boy with a backwards hat in a black Tiburon and I thought I was going to hyperventilate. God damn.
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