Geeks 'R Us

Jan 09, 2006 13:14

OK, so those of you who know
Shari and me know that we're computer geeks (I'm in desktop/network support, and Shari's a software engineer). Some of you also know that we also have a collection of wine from New York's Finger Lakes region, where we like to take the occasional weekend vacation and visit the wineries there.

So what do these two things have to do with each other? Well, we got bored this weekend. And what do bored geeks with a wine collection do? Yep, that's right! We created an MS Access database to catalogue our collection. By the time we were done entering all the wines in the database, we were up in the neighborhood of 130 bottles.

Yeah, we have too much wine. Or maybe not enough -- we're going back up in May with Shari's brother and his wife. I'm going to need to build that spare set of wine racks, I think...

One neat thing about doing all that this weekend, though, was that we "discovered" several really good wines we'd forgotten we still had. We do drink the wine we collect -- we enjoy entertaining and serving wine to our guests, as well as occasionally opening a bottle over dinner -- and I'm looking forward to opening those.
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