Feb 10, 2007 22:27
I'm in love with them all over again.
I watched the shortened version of the 15th L'Anni~ver~sary (<-how cute<3) live.
So much love is seeping out of me! When I was asked 'Why do you like them?' I had always said 'because they're cool', which was an extremely lame and an impersonal response that I'm so ashamed of. I love them because they make music for the sake of making music. I really really really want to go to their 2007 tour.
They are coming back at last!!!! I can't wait till the new single comes out! Whee! + leader san's live on POPJAM on the 9th March, and Laruku's live on the 16th March!!! YAAAAAY!!! So sad I don't have access to NHK world premium though. really. really sad:(
On a side note, I have a new layout. Simple and a lot of blank space, but more variety in colour. Plus, my entries look longer. hehe & yay. And I'm really tempted to get a plus account.