Not too far off...

Feb 09, 2007 22:59

The medical specialty for you is.... OB/GYN
OB/GYN is the best of all specialties. As an OB/GYN, you have chosen one of the most noble fields in medicine. You will work longer hours than a surgeon, but without the high pay. But you will still do it because you have a passion for the field. And after you rush to the hospital at 3 in the morning for the third night in a row to deliver a baby, the parents will turn around and sue you if there were any unforeseeable complications, which is why your insurance rates are so ridiculously high. Come to think of it, OB/GYN?? What were you thinking?
To find out what specialty best fits your unique personality, go to:
What Medical Specialty Is For You?

This was actually the specialty I entered Medical School thinking I would go into...but after feeling completely at home on my psych rotation, and seeing just how brutal the hours for an OB/GYN could be (as well as almost passing out during a gyne surgery--sooo much blood...) I decided that maybe OB/GYN wasn't such a good fit afterall. But I sure did savor every one of those births I took part in.

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