Jan 24, 2004 08:46
Well let's see. It has been about a month i think from my last entry...I HAVE BEEN SO INCREDIBLY BUSY AND I HATE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! its so sad. i never see my friends anymore and they are always haveing something to talk about and i cant even get in the conversation, everyone has a life lately but me,,,, hockey just takes ovcer and it sucks :/ I MISS YOU GUYS!
I havnt even seen my cake lately. i miss her ...kasieeeeee where areee youuu haha
Well what has been going on in the life of chelsey mcrae? not much. i am continuing the losing streak in my hockey games, alothough we are getting sooo much better! last night i punched some girl in the face and it felt so good hahhahah and she got knocked down and hurt but se def deserved it and i didnt even et a penalty!!! :-)
New years was weird/fun/weird haha
lately people have been talking about missing summer with all this cold weather. well i am missing it too,. i miss seeing everyone and hanigng out with all kinds of people, the beach, nights, FREE FALLIN night, chillin at peoples houses, going for rides in the J-stang, and the hundai(dont know hoe to spell it justine lol) i miss it all ...the poeople and everything. i hope summer comes fast and is even better than last year. i also REALLY REALLY miss having umm jack johnson" nights with brian mari and anna....but i am haingn out with brian and mari tonight and that makes me really really happy!
i am sorting my life out lately, i hate not having time to do anything besides hockey, but i have been kind of organized except for my room ..its so bad...there is stuff everywhere casue i am never home....i am only home lately to just sleep and wake up to go to school....i need to start going to the Y to work out, and getting hours done for leaders, and still play hokcey , and go pond skating, and hanigng out with friends, and staying on a diet casue i really really need to keep to it for my cruise and i think the reall day starts today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am going to start getting together for the cruise!!! i have been so busyn i havnt even seen andrias rock and roll kittens yet:-(
im proud a little though..i have completlyj given up caring to have a relationship with anyone at all this year...i think this is a rebuilding my life year...that may be why i have all these hardships if you will lolol....
i hate not having money too, i had 80 dollars from babysitting and it was gone in 3 days and i dont know where it went. my dad needs work and my mom now helps this old lady a cuple nights a week it is so sucky. i want to winn a lot of money hahaha...but it has made me decide what i want to do. i want to go to a photography school for 2 years and then go to school for ultrasound tech for two years. with photography i can travel and all i want to do in life is travel TRAVEL TRAVEL!!!!! and then after i have done that and i want to settledown i could become an ultrasound tech in a hospital and they make goood money
i cant wait to see mari and brian tonight!....right now i am going to get ready and go to a couple erands with my mom
<3 chelsey