Am I the only one this stuff happens to?

Nov 28, 2011 23:51

So let's set the scene.  Here I am, dicking around in Town and Country after a workout.  What am I there to buy?  Dish detergent and laundry detergent.  What can I say, I've got some dirty things that need washing.  So instead I'm looking at shampoo because I'm sick of how my current shampoo smells and I just want new shampoo.  I find a brand that I like and I start popping the tops open, one by one, to see what they smell like.  I do not want to repeat the mistake of buying shampoo that I do not like the smell of.  I get to the 4th bottle or so and pop the top open.  Presumably, due to the pressure differences in Bozeman, a little globule of shampoo explodes out of the bottle and directly into my right eyeball.  What the hell just happened?  I am in so much pain!  My eye starts watering incessantly and I keep rubbing it with the back of my hand.  I look around and feel grateful that I am the only person in the aisle.  Wow this still really hurts!  I think it's getting worse!  I need to go home right now.  But I can't leave without buying my things.  I get in line and wait impatiently.  There are only two clerks and the lines are equally long.  I can only hope that I don't have makeup running down my face, or worse, blood.  Oh no, the clerk is talking to the people in front of me about mead.  Mead?  Why mead?  I decide to try the other line.  Oh no, two bros just got in line with a bunch of candy.  Ow I really hope my eye isn't dripping blood, because the amount of pain I am in could totally merit that.  Ok it's my turn now.  I try not to make eye contact with the clerk.  He does a double take.  He knows something is wrong with me, but he doesn't say anything about it.  Good.  I get in my car, go home, and flush my eye out for several minutes.  At least my roommates got a good laugh.

eye, shampoo

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