**We are in need of monetary donations to pay for expenses, rent, and
bills! The trial is running much longer than expected and we are all
missing work. Please paypal us anything you can spare at
GPAC412@GMAIL.COM or e-mail us to make arrangements!**
After 2 days of hearings to address various motions brought forth by
the defense to suppress evidence and dismiss cases, we are officially
entering our trial tomorrow (Thursday November 6th). The charges are
as follows:
Defendant 1: 2 counts assault on a police officer, 2 counts possession
of a prohibited weapon (pepper spray and a knife)
Defendant 2: 1 count assault on a police officer, 2 counts possession
of a prohibited weapon (pepper spray and a knife)
Defendant 3: 1 count assault on a police officer, 1 count simple
assault, 2 counts possession of a prohibited weapon (pepper spray and
a lead pipe)
The case stems from an incident on April 19th, 2008 in Washington DC
involving a planned demonstration by the National Socialist Movement
which had to be cut short and partially canceled. Anti-fascists from
across the region gathered to stop their march. Various neo-Nazis and
supporters were attacked, and the police made 6 arrests after an
incident in which multiple police officers and neo-Nazis were
allegedly attacked with pepper spray. Because of the huge amount of
lies and false testimony all but one case involving three
co-defendants has been dismissed.
The prosecution is calling multiple police officers and agents from
the Department of Homeland Security as witnesses in their case. They
are accusing the defendants of being involved in the melee and
assaulting officers. If convicted, they face a maximum of 6 months in
jail for each count against them.
This trial was expected to be dismissed or last one day, and is
dragging out over a week. The anti-fascists involved are in immediate
need of monetary donations to help pay their rents and bills as they
are losing over 5 days of pay. We haven't even taken into account the
amount of fines and court costs we will be incurring. If you can
donate us any money to help with expenses, you can paypal us money at
For a classless, free society. Against fascism!
Greater Pittsburgh Anarchist Collective
Member of the Anti-Racist Action Network