Jul 24, 2004 16:33
oo this is a good weekend. first of all, started with the feeling that this will be a good year. not so much in terms of like good things happening, but that i have the feeling i'll be proud of how i deal with anything that goes down this year. i'm ready to be challenged, and not hate myself for how i handle it.
also, last night was fun.. rudy's with gabe and sunny, sushi and saki later with some others, and as much of starsky and hutch as i could last through... not that it was a bad movie, but i wanted to get home to talk to tori. right.
anyway, tonight gabe elliot and april's peeps for gotham. woohoo, NEVER been. planned to go several times, but have drunked out before i got there. then, if tomorrow's nice, perhaps some brunch, though no taft, lab, and the BEACH.
mandy moore is on madtv reruns. actually, i think she's a better actress than singer. ha, poor girl.