Title: untitled
Rating: PG13 for language
Word Count: 1200-ish
Warnings: None. I think it's pretty safe.
Disclaimer: Yes, the characters are mine. All mine. I made them up 50 years before I was born (I'm magical that way). In fact, I demand royalties from Marvel. Pay me now or suffer the wrath of the lawyers I'm financing through the money in my
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Your dialogues are awesome, I love the snark and banter and the genuine emotions you convey in them. I'm with alphaflyer, I wonder what will happen when Clint tries to explain this epiphany to Nat, because that would be awesome to read, I'm sure! But knowing your love for UST, we'll probably never find out... *pouts*
*hugs you and this fic*
I've read a lot of fics where the two of them are secretly in love with each other, and ones where Clint's in love and Nat's oblivious, but rarely (if ever) the other way around so I took (admittedly, a weak) shot at it...haha
It's kind of hard to write haha...like how does Nat pine, you know? and she is pretty hot, so how does Clint not notice?
As for Clint not noticing, well, I think he'd be too preoccupied talking himself down, you know? I think he wouldn't even dream of Nat wanting him in that capacity. Until the moment when his subconscious tells him to open his damn eyes as see what's in front of him :D
Very well done, sweetie!
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