Aug 18, 2006 19:49
Yea i havent udated this thing in 2 yrs, haha im just realizing how much more ive matured as a person since those times, i dont say quite the funnes or ne thing like that, im gonna be a Junior at chaug this year and im gonna be playing varsity basketball. This summer is almost over and im sad to see it go, but alot of stuff happend this summer, stuff ill remember for the rest of my life. One of my best buds Vinny moved away to NC this year, that really hit me hard and im still trying to get over it, but i know he'll be back. Alot of my teens died this year, which is really a wake up call, to live life to the fullest and never complain about the little things. I always recently got caught drinking, one of my so called friends ratted me out, to save himself, sometimes u just dont know who really cares about u as a friend or who is just selfish, and now i know. Ive been working a real lot, doing some painting and carpentry work, its a good job cause i learn how to build things and i get good pay. Right now im sitting in my house bored as hell, just thinking about the all the bad and good times i had this summer. Before this summer started i was thinking to myself this is going to be one of the best summers im ever gonna have, some ways it was and other ways it wasnt. I learned alot this summer, some good things to live by. Live life to the fullest, a friend who u thought gave a shit about u, will sell u down the river when there in a tough spot, dont drink ne more sean, ahah.
Highschool is flying by way to fast, im gonna be a junior this year...already i mean i still remember my first day of highschool i got lost and couldnt find J hall, and my 2nd block class latin 1, was by far the most uncomfartble moment of my life, ahah.