A brief moment of high poetry on IRC

Dec 01, 2007 16:51

This is a shot from an extremely fine conversation between Rollina (aka Ro`Laren) and the_asgard (aka Gullyt).
On IRC, of course.

[21:57](@Ro`Laren): cmq Apophis lo terrei in casa così com'è
[21:57](@Ro`Laren): tutto vestito da faraone
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): e lo spolvererei tutti i giorni
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): shaishaishaksjjhgkjshaghas
[21:58](@Gullyt): con la fregna?
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): hshahshahahahaha
[21:58] * Gullyt poeta
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): mi induce pensieri molto più platonici di quanto non faccia per esempio Keller di OZ
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): sjahgshjgashghaghs
[21:59](@Ro`Laren): mi dà come l'idea che si rompa se lo strofino con la fregna
[21:59] * Ro`Laren poetessa


[21:57](@Ro`Laren): btw I'd keep Apophis at home just like he is
[21:57](@Ro`Laren): totally dressed as a pharaoh
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): and I'd dust him every day
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): shaishaishaksjjhgkjshaghas
[21:58](@Gullyt): with your cunt?
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): hshahshahahahaha
[21:58] * Gullyt poet
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): he rouses far more platonic thoughts in me than for instance Keller from OZ
[21:58](@Ro`Laren): sjahgshjgashghaghs
[21:59](@Ro`Laren): I've got the idea I'd break him if I rub him with my cunt
[21:59] * Ro`Laren poetess

ETA: and it's about time to give Apophis his own tag, he deserves it already.

séma, keller, irc, tv series, oz, sg1, apophis, friends

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