Well, I'll try to explain it shortly.
I'm gonna post this in the OZ lj-communities, hoping you'll find interesting to give your contribution. ;)
I'm writing a bunch of articles about OZ on a very well-known italian webzine, the
STIM (it's a sci-fi zine, but not only that).
In the next months I'd like very much to dedicate an article to the OZ fandom, I mean fanfic, fanart, sites, videos, everything.
So, anyone who wants me to point his/her OZ stuff out on my webzine is most welcome, just leave a link or a rec here (lj, websites, blogs, youtube, anything). ;)
Anyway, in order to spread OZ LOVE all over Italy, I'd like most if you wish to say here (in a few or more words) the reasons why you love OZ, why you consider it a masterpiece, which are the most remarkable messages you read behind the whole story... in conclusion, what makes of OZ one of the best TV series ever.
I'll quote and credit each one of you in my article and even if it's an italian webzine, you can be sure that a lot of people will read it! ^^
There's quite enough time to do that, I think I'll write the article about the OZ fandom in two months at least (I have an OZ-schedule to follow ;))...
So I'll be tracking this entry, hoping you all will take part in this! ;)))