Title: I wake up, it's a bad dream
rollieo122Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairings: Becker/Lester
Rating: G
Word Count: 200
Summary: Either he attempted to go back to sleep and risk another nightmare, or he stayed up and waited instead.
Disclaimer: Don't own.
Spoilers: Eh... Series 4, mostly.
Author's Note: Written for
drabblefix prompt 60 - glow... I'm sorry Becker, I'm being mean again..! Title is from Bad Dream by Keane.
Becker jerked awake just as the creature was about to grab him and scrubbed a hand across his face, trying to calm his panicked mind. It was just another nightmare, which was a regular occurrence now. He sighed, weighing up his options. Either he attempted to go back to sleep and risk another nightmare, or he stayed up and waited instead. He looked at the clock and picked the latter; it wasn’t so late that he’d be up a long time before work. He got out of bed and headed to the kitchen, looking at the moonlit surroundings through the window.
***Lester woke up when he rolled over to find empty space where another person should have been. He frowned, wondering where the other person was, but then he noticed that the door was open, and he could see the moon’s rays as they fell across the floor. He got up and padded into the kitchen, stopping short as he noticed the ethereal glow the moonbeams gave Becker as he stared out of the window. He walked over to the other man and wrapped his arms around him.
“I hope they’re alright out there, wherever they are,” Becker whispered quietly.