Apr 25, 2004 22:12
New push pops suck!
They aren't pushable!
They have a spring in them now so you don't have to push them...
Now it's a "jumpin' push pop" kdsfhgkjshg FUCK THAT.
It still tastes good though ;)
Sooo I went to my little brothers birthday party at the skating rink in lancaster today.
It was cute, I love my little brother, he held my hand around the rink so that I wouldn't fall.
Until my older brother checked me against the boards... and I ripped my stalkings :(
God I hate lancaster. I really want my mom and little brother to move away from there. My mom's friend/coworker Coleen was at her sons little league game when some guy came and shot his girlfriend in the bleachers right in front of all these little kids and Coleen (being 9months pregnant) jumped on her and started giving her CPR until the ambulance got there. Now the police station is providing theropy for all these kids that wittnessed it, and Coleen is going to have to have induced labor because of all the stress.