(no subject)

Sep 30, 2011 18:21

WEEEEE I officially fail with updating my LJ on a regular basis.

Well I'm back from camping... obviously. Have been for a looonng while now, as people who watch me everywhere else but here will know XD

Let's see, what else. Oh yeah.

NEW COMPUTER YEAH. I'm actually current for once! Windows 7 and everything. I mourn the loss of the old one, but... not too much since the harddrive is fine, the video card just blitzed. But since said card was actually part of the motherboard we found it better to just get a new one and actually upgrade.

Still getting used to everything though. But hey, Google Chrome, cool. I suck at Angry Birds by the way.

holy shit you guys, computer issues, cb sucks at video games, cb's being stupid again

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