I almost used my Teal Deer icon. But I'm in an EXE kinda mood. XD

Jun 11, 2011 20:56


Let's see. RL has been pretty much the same-- go to work, hang out at home, die in the humid heat of a premature North Carolina summer, you know the same ol' same ol'. I did pick up the Sonic Mega Collection Plus a while back, and even after quite a bit of practice in the games, I'm happy to report my video game suckage extends to Sonic. XD

Ordered the EXE Official Complete Works, finally. I'm already bouncy for it to get here too; hopefully it'll be here early next week. And I've also been rereading the manga. Now if only I could find somewhere that's still up that has Battle Story scanslations. I never DID finish that one on Tanjou.

RP has been kinda slow lately; I've dropped down to one person (blackshadowsins) over at Ink City, and I'm still on hiatus at DDD; not to mention when I come BACK from hiatus I'm going to drop half my cast (which is only four, but whatever). Speaking of RP though, still hooked in Achaea. Four characters so far, one permanent. If you like MUDs check it out, this thing is addicting XD (And in the event someone reading this is already in Achaea, or going to be, my characters' names are Derxanei, Omineth, Deirenari, and Leganoss.)

In slightly dimmer news, I've decided to stop uploading to my DA account for a while. Mostly due to drawing not being fun anymore since I was concentrating too much on how many comments or faves they got (which was a dismal number in the first place) instead of doing it for the fun of it. So I'm still drawing, BUT. I might actually put some in my LJ here, since it's such a smaller crowd and I know they're all friends XD So, we'll see.

YEAH. I think that's all I got. Hopefully I can keep updating this regularly again.

achaea, drawings, cb just plain fails, fandom: megaman, cb sucks at video games, ink_city, rp stuff, rp fail, dramadramaduck

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