Nov 12, 2010 16:00
I finished Apollo Justice last night (OMG SO BELATED I KNOW RIGHT? *shot*). Stayed up some 2 hours longer than I should to do so, too XD And I'm proud to say I only used an FAQ once on that case, when I got stuck because I forgot the "PRESENT EVERYTHING" Golden Rule of the Ace Attorney games. The ending ;o; So cute. And didn't see part of it coming, about the woman. Still wish Apollo and Trucy were told but eh, maybe if someday we get an AJ2. *stares hard at Capcom, until remembering they're doing a Layton/AA crossover, at which point everything is mostly forgiven*
Had a rough night the other night, got out a few things I'd been holding back though.
Oh yeah, and apparently when half-asleep apparently I can psychically conduct a crescendo in music playing on TV.
Virus update part 2: Computer's still working okay, so long as I'm careful, scan everything, etc. Still looking to get a new system. May be able to get one next month.
cb rocks at video games,
computer issues,
weirdo dream,
video games,
deep thinker