(no subject)

May 11, 2010 14:13

You know, for having a mail schedule that's pretty off-kilter, me predicting that it'd come at 1:22 (which it did) is pretty damn good if you ask me. Now if only my UPS package would get here...

Raine wants me to record myself singing Kaze wo Tsukinukete (aka the first Rockman.EXE opening). I am... apprehensive at best about doing this, mostly because I'm a terrible singer XD (As near as I can tell anyway) But I do love the song, and since I had a disastrous (IMHO) recording of said song a few years ago, I'd like to redo it. So we'll see.

Speaking of EXE, I've been replaying BN3 and BN6. And... spending most of my attention on 6, because I'd forgotten how NINTENDO HARD 3 is |D;; Man, I'm never going to get to the first Style Change at this rate...

I also have to continue the EXE mood set I was doing. ... Hm. *goes to do so now*

Been active in RP lately, although... mostly off LJ XD; My LJ RP life has been kinda slow and sluggish. But I've been doing some stuff with Chaos in e-mail (wootwoot for reviving an old demon character of mine ♥ ) and some stuff in IM with Manta and Pup, including exploring an AU or two. All in all, having some fun \o/

rp stuff, video games, fandom: megaman, cb sucks at video games, music

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