(no subject)

Jan 13, 2010 17:32

Finally got your package mailed, Pup. It should be there by next Wednesday at the latest. The size of it bit into my wallet, but it's worth it. XD

Been doing a little fic writing lately, mostly a "what if" look long after the P&F canon. There's a couple other ones I'm working on, so we'll see if they get posted eventually.

Styx, AmyJack, and Mega-mun I'll hit you guys back on those threads tonight. ♥

Still no word about the interview, but hopefully soon.

Been playing DQIV plenty. Finally made it to freakin' Chapter 3 which, yes, is just as fun as you said it was Pup xDD Torneko is a bunch of rolypoly awesome. Although the tourney in Chapter 2 took me two tries to do XD; Stupid 5th round.

Edit: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/01/revoltech-professor-layton-march.html jjkg <333 mizunosakura are you seeing this? 8D

rp stuff, job search, writing, video games, friends love, cb sucks at video games

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