(no subject)

Dec 27, 2009 18:55

Well, that toolbox I got a while back from a yard sale is finally off to a good start. I managed to make it to Home Depot today, and got a few things to fill it with. ..Including a neat (PURPLE! <3) tape measure that gives fraction readouts on the tape. Which is good for me, since I tend to forget which notch means what XD;

Besides that, I also got a small little plant to keep in my room.

I also finally got what I need for a friend's Christmas/birthday gift. Now I just need to get another friend's, and send them both off...

Oh, speaking of friends. Mew and I were talking yesterday about how Phineas and Ferb would work as summons in the Kingdom Hearts world, which was a lot of fun. Are you listening, Squenix? ;P XDXD

The Ultimate LiveJournal Obsession Test
CategoryYour ScoreAverage LJer Community Attachment23.66%
You've got pals to cheer you up when you're down, but no audience to applaud you... Yet.22.89% MemeSheepage33.33%
Easily amused27.48% Original Content33.87%
Some stories must be told - and you're the one to tell them38.08% Psychodrama Quotient19.28%
Your dark side's safe with us16.55% Attention Whoring11.36%
Slothfully Seeking Susan20.63%
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(By The Ferrett)

Hope the winter dragon eggs I bred hatch out as opposite genders, 'cause I'd love more seasonal dragon breeding pairs. (I used a couple of my pink dragons to influence each egg as such, so. *crosses fingers* )

cb thatcher dragon hatcher, meme, video games, my day, bargain hunter, christmas woo

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