(no subject)

Dec 15, 2009 23:47

Commando Man. Commando Man. Capcom, why? XDXD Ooh boy, my mind is taking that in ALL the wrong directions. Then again, these are the same people that brought us Hard Man.

Anyway, I think I'm coming down with something x_X Nevermind the fact that I slept ten hours today, my head hurts, my chest kinda rattles when I inhale and just... bleh. Here's hoping it goes away soon.

AMYJACK. What else do we have to do with Phineas and Giselle?

Someone please to be telling my mind to stop associating Manny with "The Cup of Life" |D

Oh yeah, did a little of my Christmas shopping yesterday. I just have a couple more things to get now.

video games, sick cb, rp ideas, christmas woo, music

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