(no subject)

Jan 23, 2009 20:54

For being a creature that normally prefers taking my showers in the mornings, one at night feels almost... alien XD But hey, a hot shower is a hot shower, and now I'm warm.

What? This isn't a post only to show off my new icon. Okay sure, maybe only LL, Mew and I would get it, but oh well. This post certainly wasn't concocted just to use it >_> *whistles innocently*

Hmh. Still have to remember to do my friends cut. And I still need to get Suicune activity, and then finish Blues' app for Paradisa, and app Trigger where I wanna take him... *sigh* And finish my EXE moodset.

Woo, new Monk~ <3

rp stuff, dramadramaduck, random things

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