(no subject)

Sep 04, 2008 18:55

Well for those that are curious, it seems my current job is safe for a little while longer; no firing due-to-internal-politics or anything. Dunno about the new job prospect though, haven't heard back yet.

In other news, I think I may redo the coloring on this pic, possibly in CG. I'm getting better at CGing (certainly more than I used to) and while I like the handdrawn version, a CGed one would look AWESOME. I'm just not sure I could get the ground quite like I did in pencil xDD

Currently waiting to hear back from the poster of this ad. While I'm no great guitar hero (lawl, pun) that may just be because I only ever get to play once every few months or so, for about an hour at a time (if that) because that's how often I get to visit my nephew (who has GH3). I hope I can get this; if I can, it'd save me fifty dollars and the trouble of buying the components myself.
Besides, GH2 has "Beast and the Harlot" on it.

Also, I think I solved my fatigue problem: I think it was just a case of the doldrums or being female because, in getting out and about yesterday, I felt much better and didn't get sleepy until it was okay to be, like... 2 AM. XDXD

OH! Speaking of yesterday, I got a new plant~ Some may remember Roll, the aloe vera (because to my new friends: Yes I'm weird, I name both plants and plushies xD). Unfortunately... it died ^^;; Like... everything I've bought from that particular nursery >_>; I'm gonna stop shopping there. Well yesterday my dad and I went to Home Depot and, like I always do, I browsed the Garden Center. There I found my new plant: Roll Soul the... aloe vera. Named after Roll and Rock(man)'s combined form (see icon), which is also my own namesake in parts of the (REO-centered) Rockman community XD Roll Soul is bigger than Roll was, so hopefully this will actually LIVE.
I also got a 'cousin' for Roll Soul from Goodwill. *snickers*
(Excuse photo graininess, I took them last night and my camera doesn't like low light very well.)

To those waiting for meme answers from my last entry, I'll get to those. I've also got another meme I was tagged for from my f-list I've gotta do, so... there'll probably be a second entry from me later tonight, or sometime tomorrow *does not currently have the mental capacity (is tired from work) to do it all right now*

eibborn, I'm gonna catch you I swear. I want to be a Pokemon master after all. Will you be on later this evening?
(Maybe I should just upload that mp3 somewhere. XD Or e-mail it or something.)

video games, my day

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