(no subject)

Sep 02, 2008 00:42

[00:36] Manta> Anyway, what RP would you guys like to do? ^^
[00:37] Roll_Soul> Something soft?
[00:38] Pup> Something hard?
[00:39] Manta> XDXDXD;;; I'm partial to "Just Right" but- *shot*
[00:39] Roll_Soul> XDXDXD

Have I ever mentioned how much I love those guys? *snickers* (For the uninitiated, Roll_Soul is me)

I'm feeling a bit pang of missing Rockman.EXE. This is hampered by my DS still being iffy on the shoulder buttons, which makes playing the GBA games hard. (Too bad I don't have a Gamecube and Network Transmission xD ) I mean, I'm still a big EXE fan, I've just felt... detached from it, I guess?... Mmf, maybe it's just a general feeling of burnt-out that's been following me for a while. Or it could be because the series ended a while back and there's nothing new happening.

At least the Ryuusei manga is looking to be done by the same who did the EXE manga (well, excluding Battle Story). And I've got a couple unexplored fansites in my bookmarks I can poke at. Maybe that'll help.

I was going to attempt to make this entry not entirely about Megaman, but I failed, so here's this too: I recently picked up a new copy of the Anniversary Collection~ And since it's been so LONG since I last played, I'm rusty as hell. XDXD Even MM7, which I used to be able to knock out in a day, is taking a while. Ah well, I was never that good at the Classic (or Classic-style) games anyway. I'm sure I'll be back to mediocrity soon. xDD

chat piece, cb sucks at video games

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