this picture! it makes me lol every time i see it
megan cut her finger on broken glass :(
lil guy gets in on the action! wanna know the pigeon mating dance? spread your tail feathers and then walk around in a circle. at one point we got bored enough (or INTRIGUED enough?) to observe pigeons and their strange rituals
we made friends in front of the pompidou. we shared our chocolate chip bread with them
look at this greasy one comin towards us
we got some good ~*~DeEp~*~ pictures in the shakespeare bookstore! i'm lovin that place
I'm Not Really Playing
look at the page
I Live By This Quote
wow look at all deez books
applying lipstitch
i am typin my latest novel
round 2 of pregnant patty. omg why does this picture have 55 views on flickr when the rest have like 2??? WHO IS LOOKING AT PREGNANT PATTY SO MUCH
she is feelin it
oh maaa gawwwd here it goes!!
we took a stroll down the pet shop district and LET ME TELL YOU, french pets are so friendly! in america the puppies and kittens just sleep, but over there they jump at you and gnaw on your fingers through the bars! i LOVE them! oh yeah, and french kittens have big eyes, like perfectly circular. dinner plate eyes, i'm telling you. like O_O
and their faces are flat like pancakes!
my mom enrolled us in this cooking class. we learned about the market from this sweet lady named murielle and hung out with a bunch of americans JUST LIKE OURSELVES!
megan: are these cats???~!?!? are these.. CATS?!?!?
me: no they're rabbits, look at the lil buck teeth
but what if they were cats?? omg
i'm yelling at megan cause she can't cut mangos
lil chef if you will? i learned how to make guinea hen with nectarine and shallot sauce and mango tart. creme fraiche is weird tasting
murielle's son Hugo didn't come to join us :( her daughter was mad sweet though. however that ginger kid to the right was a weird bitch. she only ate rice. and that old guy up there HIT ON MY MOM
okay i'll pick up where i left off tomorrow or something! i don't want to ~overwhelm~ yall with pictures