It's extremely annoying that the best song I've ever found for him is in German. :|

Mar 21, 2011 12:03

[Since Eddie brought up the singing thing with him, something's been nagging at the back of his mind. Now, Roland, he's never felt much of a need to break into song, at least not more than anyone else does who's walked half the world in echoing silence]

[But this is weird. Because not only is the urge to sing rising up like a tide, it's not even one of those familiar songs he's learnt from childhood. If it was Hey, Jude or the commala or something, he could at least know where it came from]


[But he finds himself singing it anyway, sitting on the empty bleachers of the football field in his WMHS tracksuit and staring into the sky in the west. His voice is husky and a little scratchy from age and smoking like a factory chimney, but he carries a tune well enough]

You have never tried
To conceal or deny
That this love is my ruin
My peril and trial
All of the promises were nothing but lies
But now that you’re here
Why don’t you stay for a while?

Most of my friends
Fell under your spell
Some fell into heaven
But most fell back in to hell
The beauty forgotten
Like the snow-covered crops in the field
Where the wind knows no mercy
And she howls and she reels....

the dark tower: roland deschain

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