(no subject)

Feb 22, 2010 09:22


[Poland approves. This means MUCH easier access to fabulous clothes, cute shoes, and good boozahol than most of the other worlds afford. Hell yeah!]

[He has relocated his Barbie Dream-House perfectly sensible fortress that just HAPPENS to have a rooftop pool and a walk-in closet in his room bigger than some people's flats, and has been busily redecorating it to serve as the headquarters for the new and shiny Baltic-Polish Union of Free States! This involves it being decorated with Latvian and Lithuanian flags as well as his own, and a hand-drawn coat of arms on the front door that incorporates his eagle, Liet's knight, and Latvia's lion and griffin. He thinks it's pretty fab, personally.]

[At the moment, he's teetering precariously at the top of a ladder, drawing a biiiiiiiiiig "Happy Probably-Late Birthday, Liet!" banner on the front of the building. And singing, loudly, because quietly just isn't really something he does.]

Sto lat, sto lat,
Niech żyje, żyje nam!

[...Let's ignore that wishing an immortal "a hundred years" of happy, healthy life doesn't quite work. Maybe he should change the song for when he's talking about other nations...]

axis powers hetalia: poland

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