(no subject)

Jul 12, 2009 22:23

[ Thanks to Etna's enthusiastic attempts to get Atlantis publicity, Rodney is now on the receiving end of squee-filled letters and emails. That's right! The cranky keyboardist actually does read his fan mail (he loves the attention, and dutifully sends back autographs on incredibly posed photos where necessary) only today it's taken a new and mildly alarming slant. Some loving fan has sent him a [ Beautiful manip ] depicting Rodney with the band's guitarist and... well... see for yourself, if you really want. Along with it is some advice on how to 'OMG GET HIS GUITARIST BACK!!111' from their new bassist, with additional obsessive amounts of observation drawn from all the interviews they've ever done. Rodney does at least agree with this person that Renji is stupid (talentless, etc etc) but... Yeah, the picture is a little creepy. And sort of... Yeah. Awkward. So Rodney is currently INCREDIBLY EMBARRASSED, annoyed with Etna and sliiightly unsure what to do with this. ]

... Is there some sort of -- etiquette with disturbing fangirl gifts? I mean I suppose I should have expected it eventually but, you know, certain people are encouraging it a little more than anticipated.

[ ooc; mun googled for the most terrible manip they could find. Be warned. Also, apologies if I keep redoing comments or making mistakes, I can't type worth shit at the moment. ]

stargate atlantis: rodney mckay

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