Mar 24, 2009 15:53

[To the Pit with Triple-Changing: Blitzwing is now, somehow, a six-changer, with a boat form and a space ship form and a mechanized dragon form to go along with his already incredibly awesome and fantastic main form. He also has new elemental weapons to go with them - acid, electricity, and sonic]

[Dissociative identity disorder? What's that? He has no personality quirks, whatever are you talking about; Blitzwing is clever, suave, slightly quirky, and that's not a temper problem, understood? Good. His faces don't change, moron, because Blitzwing is perfect and does not suffer from a horrific personality glitch. It's a quirk okay.]

[Also he is slagging hot. Yes, even to you humans. Did we mention that he is also extraordinarily well-versed in all Earth literature, he totally majored in literature at school on Cybertron and he holds like, ten degrees. In everything.]

[He is currently sitting in jet mode, which is, naturally, his most handsome mode (everyone knows that the Seekers are sparkly bishies; and while Blitzwing isn't a Seeker, he still has a jet mode. And is a triple six changer, so that makes him clearly better. Oh yes. Man, somehow he's even gotten a nice polish. Look at that jet sparkle.]

[And naturally he has a lovely and handsome holoform* that we swear isn't Jim Carrey this time but someone who is German and smashingly hawt. Possibly, he looks a lot like Adrian Veidt. Said holoform is dressed in a really hot German military uniform in khakis and violets. Yes, he still has the monocle. Said holoform is sitting in Blitzwing's cockpit, which is open, looking fabulous as the breeze somehow blows his holographic hair]]

((ooc: those who are completely f'ing clueless about Transformers fandom: holoforms are holographic projections used to give the impression of the Transformer in vehicle mode having a driver, to further the whole "in disguise" thing. Canonically, Blitzwing doesn't have one. Most people don't. But certain subsets of the fandom like giving them to everyone and their brother, mostly becuase if they're hard light holograms, it lets them, ah, interact with self-inserts human characters, if you know what I mean. And often with each other which totally makes sense, totally -_-; ))

transformers: blitzwing

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