Ember’s Roleplay Ad July 22 / 2022

Jul 22, 2022 16:06

Hi! Name’s Ember, or Em for short, and I’m just your average Scandinavian introvert. Nice to meet you! Welcome to my lengthy ad and thanks for clicking in.
So, I’m currently looking to fill out my spare time with some roleplaying. I’m looking for mature roleplay partners, so 21+, since I intend for things to be a bit dark and gritty.

I’m also looking for something long term. I want to be able to plot and discuss together with my rp partner, brainstorm and collaborate on ideas. I’m a lover of worldbuilding and would love to create something new together! All that work takes some time and I’d love to find a partner who sticks around.
The setting I’m interested in this time is medieval high fantasy. With “medieval high fantasy”, I don’t mean historically accurate depictions of our world in the past. Think of franchises like The Lord of the Rings, The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim and Game of Thrones as inspirations, though it won’t be those exact worlds but something of our own. I suck at history.
This time, in this ad, I only have one specific plot/setting in mind. If you like high fantasy royal settings with dark magic, castles, mysteries and a lot of pain, you might like this.
Before we begin!
I’m going to be straightforward from the beginning and say that things such as sexism and homophobia won’t be part of society in our story. What I mean by that is, as an example, if the royal family has two children and the eldest is a girl and youngest is a boy, the girl is still the heir to the throne. There’s no gender preference for positions of power. Women can be soldiers, own land and be single mothers without shame. Female monarchs can have concubines, just like male ones can. That’s it! The reason I’m bringing this up is because I’ve had two past roleplays set in a medieval fantasy world where my partners were opposed to this, saying it’s unrealistic, which is true! Since it’s a fantasy story, my point is that we can set our own social norms and rules. I don’t want to incorporate sexism in a story when I have the choice to avoid it. So I just wanted to put this disclaimer here.
As for the no homophobia part, it’s basically the same. Nobody is shamed, prosecuted or murdered for being in a same sex relationship. Of course nobles are heavily encouraged to conceive children at some point, but that can be done with concubines or surrogate mothers, etc.
Ember’s Important Information

We all have our preferences. I thought I should list some very important ones from the start that I think could be deal breakers for many of you out there. So, to not waste your time, I’ll state them first.
- If we choose to write M/F, I want to play the female character.
- In the case of M/M smut scenes, I feel the most comfortable and have the most fun writing the character that bottoms (sorry) when it comes to smut scenes. At least for my main character. I can have side characters (this is not the same as doubling) of varying degrees of importance in the story who prefer any other bedroom position.
- In the case of power dynamics, I prefer to play the submissive character. This is the same as the above point though; I can play side characters with other preferences, no problem. I’d like my main character, the one I use the most, to be submissive. If we go that route, that is to say!
Let’s be respectful to each other’s preferences!
Info about me
  • I’m 21+  and F.
  • I have somewhere around 10 years of roleplaying experience.
  • I roleplay in third person, paste tense, and multiple paragraphs or novella style.
  • I don’t use real-life people as face claims, as I find it a bit… Creepy is not the right word, but it feels a little weird I guess?  I could, however, use artbreeder for a more realistic face reference! I also like to draw inspirations from my roleplays a lot for my drawings, and I’ve already got tons of the character I have in mind for this roleplay.
  • I love a cast of characters but I like to keep like one main character for each of us.
  • I totally love chatting ooc and gossiping about our characters, finding music that matches our story, making mood boards, sharing memes and doodling our characters, etc. Don’t be afraid to be talkative! It’s not a requirement but I think it’s really nice and I strongly prefer it when my partner replies at least once a week OOC, especially if they take more than one week to reply to the rp. So I don’t feel like I’m being ghosted.
  • I live in the Central European time zone, or UTC+1.

What I want in a partner
  • Please be 21+. This is non-negotiable.
  • Write in third person, past tense and multiple paragraphs or novella style (like me). I prefer quality and quantity.
  • Be able to reply like, at least… around once a week? I would love it if you could reply once a day or once every other day, but I understand that life comes first and things happen that require our attention. I completely understand that, but would still like to humbly ask if you could reply once a week at a minimum. If my partners take a lot of time (say, several months) to reply there’s a big chance I’ll become uninterested. I’ll always be ready to reply no matter how much time has passed though, but it would make me super happy if you could reply at least somewhat regularly. I will try my best to do the same of course.
  • You’re 100% free to create your own character (though I do love ‘em big and rough). Don’t be afraid to get creative! Though, please talk to me first if you want to make him anything other than human. I’m open, but I have limits.
  • Be able to brainstorm with me and be open about questions and wants and ideas. I love love love worldbuilding but I don’t want to be the only one doing it. I want to feel like you love it as much as I do, if that makes sense.
  • If it becomes relevant, and I know this is a very common desire for people in this community, I’m looking for someone who not only can but also enjoys playing a dominant character in a relationship with power dynamics.
  • And of course, be open to write smut. I can fade to black if the scene allows for it or if it serves to skip time a bit, but I don’t prefer it. I like to write smut and will list my kinks below.

My kinks and limits

  • Bondage, light to medium
  • Hair pulling
  • Punishments like spanking, slapping, etc.
  • Choking
  • Spontaneous sex (in the moment and out of nowhere)
  • Age gaps
  • Size differences (with my character being the smaller one)
  • Creampies
  • Biting
  • Non-con/dub-con (discussed first, of course)

  • Pregnancy (BIG no-no. I would prefer that it isn’t even mentioned.)
  • Incest
  • Furries
  • Beastiality
  • Minors (everyone will be 18+)
  • Public humiliation
  • Exhibitionism
  • Scat
  • Watersports
  • Inflation

The plot
This time I’m going all out on my idea. That includes worldbuilding and all of the lore and history that I’ve collected and created throughout the years. I want to go as in depth as I can without it being too much and without taking away the possibility for further brainstorming as I still want this to be something that we create together. I want your ideas and pitches and thoughts on everything so we can write something that belongs to the both of us.
I have my character figured out. His family’s history, his kingdom’s history (a part of it), and the religion’s history are sort of already established, but there’s still a lot of room to expand and extend.
I’ll have the information regarding all of that stuff below the actual plot, which I’ll try to explain here!
Also, disclaimer! While I refer to my character in male terms, I’m also open to write a princess instead if you’d like to rp with me but prefer M/F.
The Curse of the Dragon
Prince x Royal Knight/Guard
The story revolves around our two characters, of course, and my main idea is that your character is a royal knight who has been appointed to be the crown prince’s personal bodyguard. It would be so much more than that though.
If we go this route we’d have two, or perhaps more, options. The first one that comes to mind to me is that your character was appointed his personal knight at the moment of the prince’s birth, or shortly thereafter. This would put them in an age gap (which I’m more than fine with since I love that stuff), and our characters would have no secrets between them (except that they will, but that’s a spoiler for the plot!).
Depending on where we decide to take this together, the plot could be mostly character centered, and we’d follow the two of them as they try to navigate their feelings for each other. Being the prince and his guard, a relationship other than professional would be completely inappropriate and they wouldn’t want to dream of the consequences of being found out.
Perhaps they’re already a bit open about it to each other, or both of them are too afraid to say anything.
The actual plot partly ties in with my character, the prince, and his struggles. The prince (or princess) has spent his entire life enclosed within the walls of the castle for reasons that I’ll state later, and his father, the king, shows no signs of letting him go beyond them. Because of that, and some more severe internal struggles that he suffers, the prince is desperate for freedom.
Perhaps he decides to leave, just for one night, but things go south and he doesn’t return. Maybe he sneaks past your character (which would be incredibly difficult) or temporarily stops him (drugs or otherwise), or they leave together. Perhaps he’s kidnapped, or maybe the castle is attacked by outside supernatural forces and they have to flee.
There are a lot of possibilities as to where we can take this. Worldbuilding and the world around our characters is a big focus in this roleplay plot, as well as our characters themselves and the other characters around them. People and forces who want to harm the prince and his closest protector.
Also I should say, while I do have a pretty specific idea about who your character is and what drives him, I also don’t want to set it in stone that it has to be that way. I love communication and discussion about these kinds of things so just hit me up with your ideas.
But! Just as an idea and because it would make sense in our universe… If your character is this royal knight/protector/personal bodyguard man, it would be really fun to write about the group that he belongs to. When I say ‘group’ I really mean the close inner circle of the kingdom’s best warriors/fighters that are allowed near the royal family. I’m thinking that there’s extensive, extreme training to go through before one can reach the rank and position that a royal knight has. Years of training, and even then, they need to make sure that the knights’ loyalty is true through and through. It’s a very… strict way of living for everyone. This also means that the royal knights have the one of the kingdom’s highest statuses in society and they’re respected and feared by many. We could come up with a name for them, the ranks, the kind of training they go through and the former members of their group who came before, and what happened to them.
The reason why I want to pair the prince (or princess) with his own personal knight is because I’m really interested in the theme of going against one’s original fundamental beliefs. I’ll explain it later in the background, but I can mention it briefly here. The prince’s family is believed to share their blood with one of the divine dragons, and it’s a huge part of their culture and society to worship this dragon and its descendants. This belief is extremely strong and is one of the driving points of… everything, really. My character, the prince, (spoiler alert) is having doubts about all of this. If you play as a royal knight then that means that your character is perhaps even more wrapped up in all of this divine dragon stuff. It could be fun to write about their internal struggle to go against this belief, and perhaps find out the truth behind all of it in one grand adventure.
The family
The Dragomir royal family, revered for their blood ties with the ancient, mythical dragon Aralial, also known as Aripheon, has been at the seat of power for thousands of years. Seen as divine beings blessed with draconic blood, they are both worshiped and hated by different groups all over the continent.
For generations the family has ruled over the lands of Erya, a large kingdom that borders the northern sea, and for generations the kingdom has thrived. The members of the divine family have been many for the purpose of maintaining and keeping the connection through blood between mortals and Aralial, the Great Emerald Dragon. Scholars, priests and family members initially believed that the way of preserving the connection was to spread the blood as much as possible. It was therefore encouraged to have as many children as they could. This would later reveal itself to be false, as scholars of the Arcane Arts who studied their blood discovered that the ‘divine quality’ therein actually weakened and faded the further out the family tree extended.
It was a revolutionary discovery, and it led to the start of the decline of the Dragon’s Heritage.
Members who no longer carried the required quality blood were stripped of their divine status, and one main branch of the family emerged. Careful and strategic planning of marriages in the royal family led to what they believed to be a ‘pure lineage’, and for centuries this way of preserving the bloodline continued.
However, around three hundred years ago there was a dramatic decline in the amount of children being born. Suddenly, as if they had been cursed by the Gods themselves, the kings and queens were unable to have more than one child. The single heirs of each generation became the fixation of the faith. It meant that if the child was to die, it would be the end of the royal bloodline and in turn the end of the divine blessing, the connection to the Emerald Dragon and the holy plane. The death of the heir would mark the end of the divine era and the start of the new, unholy one shrouded in darkness.
It was once said that the members of the Dragomir family were able to perform magic, and even if it was once accepted as truth, in the current age it is believed to be a myth.

The Prince

My character is the current crown prince and only heir to the throne of Erya. Having no siblings or cousins with dragon’s blood, his very existence is all about being protected. Confined to life within the castle walls his entire life, the prince has never once stepped outside into the real world.
His mother was the former dragon’s heir. His father, the current king, married into the Dragomir family after being selected by the high priests of Aralial. His mother, Queen Talyana, died from an unknown disease when the prince was just two years old. His only other family consists of his cousins, uncles and aunts on his father’s side.
The prince’s name is Elyon Ióan Ailuin Kalan Dragomir. He was born in the deep winter season at night time.
Elyon himself is sweet in nature, gentle and soft spoken. It doesn’t seem like he’s let his restricted life get the better of him.
One important aspect of his character is the fact that he lives with a chronic heart condition. As if his life wasn’t already restricted, his condition, which made itself known when he was only five years old, renders him even more vulnerable than he already is. The masters of medicine of the court have since long concluded that it’s simply something that he was born with and something that will never go away. Elyon has suffered several heart attacks in his life (what everyone assumes are heart attacks, anyway), and each one has been worse than the other. These attacks seem to come when he’s under distress, by fear or physical overexertion, and as a consequence everyone treats him like he’s a fragile porcelain doll.
This never stopped him from trying to live his life to the fullest. As a child he was reckless, dauntless and brave, much to his father’s disapproval. As an adult (now around 19 years old), he’s grown to be much more mature. Gentle, understanding, empathetic and kind are a few words that describe him best.
However, he carries a secret so deep and dark that he hasn’t told anyone. Not even his closest confidant; his own royal knight.
The Order of Aralial / Aripheon
Also known under other names such as:
  • The Cult of the Dragon - by enemies of the faith
  • The Draconic Faith
  • Path of the Dragon

The Order of Aralial is the main faith of the kingdom of Erya and has been closely interwoven with the crown since its beginnings. It’s a religion dedicated to the Great Emerald Dragon of the North, Aralial, who is one of the four Divine Dragons of the continent and also the only one who directly meddled with the affairs of the mortals, thus creating a divine bloodline.
The Great Emerald Dragon has two known names; Aralial and Airpheon. This is because of the translation method used to decode the ancient Draconic Scrolls written in Virinic to the common tongue. Aripheon is set to be its real name, but Aralial is the name used by the vast majority of the population of Erya since Virinic is a dead language; only practiced by the high ranking priests as well as the royal family members.
Aralial, just like the other three dragons, has no gender and is thus referred to as either ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it’.
The Four Dragons are a group of divine ancient beings as well as a constellation in the sky. They make up of:
Mirindrin - The Great Ruby Dragon of the South
Yxhaloc - The Great Amethyst Dragon of the East
Teverynyx - The Great Sapphire Dragon of the West
Aralial - The Great Emerald Dragon of the North
The gemstones attached to their titles were given at the beginning of the faith thousands of years ago, and scholars today claim that it’s because of the color of the dragons themselves and how they chose, or would choose, to manifest in the physical world. As such, the emerald is regarded as the most valuable gemstone out of all of them and is commonly included in the royal garments. The Erya banner is emerald in hue, and green is the dominant color of the palace and recognized as the color of royalty.
Another fact that strongly supports the theory that Aralial is green is that each member of the Dragomir family has always had green eyes, regardless of the other parent’s eye color.
Aralial is not only one of the four dragons, but also the leader of them. The other dragons, while also revered as divine and all-powerful, do not have as big of a focus in any place on the continent and there are no known faiths dedicated to them. They exist but are not seen as important as Arial as they had no part in the creation of the world. They are, however, believed to protect it and to have their separate planes of existence of which they rule over.
The world of Erya

Erya is the kingdom in which our story takes place in, at least initially. Landscape-wise, it’s sort of a mixture between Sweden and Norway. It has vast, deep and rich primeval forests but also high mountaintops. It’s the northernmost kingdom on the continent, has all of the four seasons, but the winters are the longest. Runestones are commonly found in the countryside and rural areas and they have occasions such as summer-solstice and winter-solstice celebrations.
One very important part of Erya is that magic, sorcery and witchcraft is banned. Completely banned, with the exception of the court wizards in the royal palace who are needed for healing and other services. They have special permits and are closely watched. Magic users are prosecuted and magic communities and gatherings are listed as terrorist groups. It wasn’t always like this, however, but it has been like this for hundreds of years.
As for religion, I imagine there exists other Gods and Goddesses in a pantheon who are human-like and who rule over different aspects of the world. Aralial is the main and most important deity, but we can have our fun in creating other deities as well.
The End
Right, so this turned out to be very long, but I did say I was going to go in-depth. I know this is all very niche and a lot to take in, but I do hope that I find someone who thinks it would be fun to make a roleplay out of.
Also, and this is just something I came up with from the top of my head, if we get along really great and if you’ve got ideas and are as excited about this as I am, perhaps we could turn this into a smaller group roleplay somehow? It’s not something I strive for and it’s not the aim for this rp idea at all, just an idea if we ever feel like it. Perhaps a M/M/M relationship (not necessarily a love triangle, but a poly relationship).
If you’re interested, please contact me at either blackbriars@hotmail.com or my discord Bluelle#9310.
If you contact me, please tell me about yourself. Include your thoughts, ideas and questions and get as wild as you want to be. The more the merrier with me, honestly. This is one of my grandest ideas ever and, as a novella style roleplayer, I really want to find someone who is as enthusiastic as me about writing, worldbuilding and roleplaying.
So thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you!
// Ember

fantasty, email, m/m, dark, original, m/f, discord, advanced lit, long term

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