(M4A) (DISCORD RP) looking for a crime/modern fantasy romance RP with dark themes!

Apr 27, 2022 21:45

NOTE: Please, read thoroughly before messaging, it's extremely important. First of all, please do not FORCE smut into the RP. Worry not, sexual parts will be a part of the roleplay, just not a central one, but rather a product of a good, slowburn build-up. The writing style I am, preferrably, looking for is third person, past tense and I would love for my partner to have a good grasp on grammar. A good OOC is a MUST, we should be in good relations for us to RP as I find it to be crucial. In the remainder of the post, you will see my character's info, as for the story, we will discuss more upon your reply!

NOTE #2: Can be tweaked to a Dhampir if set in a modern fantasy setting.

Name: Gerald Nathaniel Fox
Age: 29.
Height: 6'5.
Body type: Skinny/Athletic.

Education: Police Academy.

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat; Gun handling; Negotiation; Plausible deductive abilities; Master agility and stamina; Interrogation.
Current Unit: Homicide.
Former Units: Patrol; Organised Crime; Robbery.

Partners: None.
Former Partners: Nicholas Halloway, retired Organised Crime Unit Detective and Gerald's mentor; Jonathan Jacobson, former Robbery Unit Detective, promoted to Ad Vice; Alexander Gerrard, fellow Homicide Unit Detective, more of a consultant rather than a partner to Gerrard on a recently solved "The Axeman" serial killer case.

Friends: Jack Phelps, a ballistics analyst and the only true friend of Gerald; Kirby Sheldon, the coroner within the Police; Bruce Gordon, the hotshot DA who worked with Gerald back when he was in the Organised Crime Unit.

Adversaries: Daniel "The Ghost" O'Ryann, a career bank robber taunting Gerald ever since his apprehension; Edward Jones, the criminal underground de facto ruler.

Likes: Chess; Rock music; Books; Coats; Coffee, both black and espresso; Beer, preferrably Heineken.
Dislikes: Whiskey; Tomatoes; Lawyers.

Recognizable trait: Almost always wears extremely dark sunglasses. This is because Gerald has a certain symptom called photophobia, which means his eyes are extremely sensitive to light. That's why he only takes them off during the night, sometimes, and in his own home, since he adjusted the lighting just enough to be able to function.

Medical issues: GAD (Generalized Anxiety Dissorder), developed over the years working in the OCU (Organized Crime Unit);
Photophobia, extreme light sensitivity, oftenly trigerring cluster headaches in Gerald.

Lexapro, a medication consisting of Escitalopram, an SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) antidepressant, among Sertraline, proven to be the most effective;
Xanax, brand name for Alprazolam, a benzodiazepine, a depressant used to calm brain activity, prescribed before sleep;
Inderal, aka Propranolol, a beta-blocker, used to battle the physical symptoms Gerald experiences at times, most notably chest pain.

Cynical, Gerald is often distrustful of general humanity and rarely tends to have contact with people, unless he really has to. Although, this hasn't always been the case, as the young detective was much different at pre-adolescent age. Growing up and hitting puberty, being a fairly philosophical human being, he quickly became a loner and drifted away from any kinds of social groups. This led to his partially nihilistic views, particularly on his own life. Hence being doubtful,
Gerald isn't of heartless nature and his disbelief in human nature isn't rooted in his own traits but rather caused by the environment around him, especially caused by the corruption and misappropriations witnessed while working in the Organized Crime Unit. Being a workaholic, he barely ever goes outside of the warmth of his own home, which also may partially be because of the photophobia he experiences from the sharp, bright lights, which are moderately adjusted to his own physical needs at his house. His social skills are somewhat better than they were when he started working within the police, which might have been influenced by the medication prescribed to him by psychiatrist. Although seemingly unfriendly and distristful, the young man is actually a brave one, with high sense for justice and righteousness.

Famous arrests:
Michael "The Axeman" Afton, a serial killer responsible for the deaths and mutilations of 4 women, indirrectly;
Daniel "The Holiday Killer" Jonas, a serial murderer with the infamous pattern of killing victims on big holidays;
Various members of the criminal gangs, most notably the Luciano family and Hell's Angels biker gang;
4 members of The Clover, a criminal network suspected of at least 38 robberies of various artistic valuables, jewellery, money and anything of big worth.

Current case:
"The Photographer", a gruesome serial killer known for taking Polaroids of his dead victims, praising his own murders as "art".

Type of hero: Byronic Hero

Discord: Blurred#4912


genre: romance, oc, discord rp, ad, m/m, genre: angst, +18 roleplay, genre: action, discord, dark rp, oc/oc, 18+, m/f, ocs, advanced lit, 1x1 discord], oc rp, modern fantasy, oc’s, +18, action

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