A Dark Academia Inspired M/M Plot

Nov 15, 2021 09:29

Hello, everyone! My name is Wren, I'm 25 and have been RPing for over 10 years. For a while now I've been avoiding certain wants and kinks of mine so I could find more partners and widen my writing experience. But I've recently had an idea for some smutty plots that I just can't get out of my head!

•About Me•

As far as writing goes, I write 3rd person past tense. I average anywhere from 500 -- 1,500+ words, depending on the scene and my partner. I can definitely write more or a little less, but most of the time I mirror what I'm given! I'm looking for a partner who falls close to the same range. Basically, 3-4 decent sized paragraphs or more.

I'm an artist and currently work from home, so I'm available at least to chat most of the time. I'm in the CST time zone (US) and will usually get to at least one reply every few days, likely more. I'll always let you know if there's going to be a long delay!

I only write m/m pairings and all characters must be 18+. I'm obviously looking for a smut heavy story, but I really need plot, as well. Smut is no fun without good characters and actual character and story development. Usually I don't like strict top/bottom dynamics, but that's actually what I'm looking for in this story. MC will be a Sub, and I'm looking for a Dom. This is more of a kink thing and less of a personality thing. In fact, I feel that MC will be pretty aggressive in his own right, both in and out of smut scenes. We can discuss this in more depth, so if you don't usually like strict top/bottom roles don't be scared to message me! I can give you a more specific rundown of what I'm thinking to see if you'd be interested.

I absolutely love world building, plotting, and talking about our characters ooc!

•Favorite Kinks•

[faves]Dirty talk
Rough Sex
BDSM (light/medium)
Large Cocks
Multiple Orgasms
Age Gaps

(Many more, just ask!)

•Absolute No's•

Toilet Anything
Bloodplay, Intense Pain, Gore
Underage Characters
ABO Dynamics


Email only for the RP! I also have a Discord I can give you, if you prefer that for chatting OOC~

When you email me, let me know a little about you, your likes and dislikes, and any characters or plot ideas you may have. Feel free to ask me any questions, too!

Now, onto the fun!



YC and MC both attend a prestigious university. They're top students, exceptionally intelligent, envied by their peers -- and they absolutely hate each other. Time and again they end up vying for the same scholarships, taking part in the same extracurriculars, and opposing one another in the same competitions. One year, late into their university career (possibly grad school), they end up working under the same professor. This professor has promised an internship at a distinguished company for whoever does the job best.

This heightens the competitive nature of their already strained relationship. Both are desperate for the position, and both will stop at nothing to be the best. On top of all their usual schoolwork, they delve into a world of sabotage, revenge, and eventually their hatred for one another brings them closer than they ever wanted. As the year rolls on, their usual tension takes on a more inimate edge. Their anger starts to crave a new, more sexual outlet. One night, they cross the line of enemies into something more confusing when they sleep together. That one taste isn't enough, and soon they're fighting more,and in turn, having sex more. Soon they realize they may be more alike than they originally thought.

This plot could go a lot of different ways, actually. The core idea of rivals in university could stay the same, and the rest could change. Maybe they already are in an internship and they're fighting to win a position as an employee there. Or maybe they're competing to win an academic competition instead. I'd be up for any ideas you may have!

I also have a character sheet written up for the character I'm thinking of playing. If you like him, let me know! If not, I can always make a new character~

[Max]Full Name: Maxime Marceau-Florentino
Nickname: Max or Maxie
Age: 25 (can change)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Occupation: Full-time student,tutor, and freelance editor & writer

Schooling: Undergrad English and Classical Antiquity double major. If in grad school, he's getting an MA in English.

Living Arrangements: Lives in a two bedroom apartment between campus and downtown

Language(s) Spoken: English, French, Italian, Spanish, Latin, some modern and ancient Greek

Physical Appearance

Hair Color: Honey brown with natural loose curls. It's grown out a bit at the nape but not overly long, trimmed around his ear, and the top is long enough that some of the curls touch just above his cheekbones. When it's groomed it's brushed neatly out of his face, but otherwise it's an unruly mess.

Eye Color: Light blue, with long, dark eyelashes

Complexion: Light and completely unblemished, save for two freckles on his stomach, to the left of his navel

Face: A strong nose with a slight arch, full lips, straight and fluffy brows, and a soft but well defined facial structure

Height: 5'9''

Build: Slender with toned muscles

Tattoos: none

Piercings: Both nipples pierced, usually wears delicate silver barbells

Clothing Style: Most often a casual, dark academia type style. Button ups, cardigans, sweaters, blazers, turtlenecks, pleated pants. For a more casual look he'll sometimes wear nice jeans an t-shirts with a blazer or unbuttoned shirt. His clothes are often earth tones or on occasion jewel tones. He has a small collection of nice watches and sunglasses. He also carries a worn, brown leather messenger bag to class or his internship.

Personality: Max strives for perfection and only that. He's determined to be the best at everything to the point of becoming neurotic. If he's not number one, he isn't worth anything. He's a top student, involved in many extracurriculars that he excels at, and is on a trajectory to become extremely successful in whichever career he chooses.

He also thrives on bad habits and self destruction. To keep up with everything he tries to do, he pops pills to concentrate and doesn't sleep for days on end. When he needs a pick-me-up he's not a stranger to harder drugs or one-night stands. If he feels he's failed at something or come up short in some way, he's prone to drinking heavily and indulging in other risky behaviors.

While he comes off as talented, if not a bit standoffish, to his peers, he's actually a whirlwind of emotion. He can be rude or even downright mean when he doesn't like someone or feels challenged. When things don't go his way he has a tendency to throw fits, but usually in the privacy of his own home. He has an aggressive streak that can turn violent, though it's exceedingly rare he hurts anything living. Once becoming entirely overwhelmed, he can sometimes withdraw from everything and everyone and fall into short bouts of depression.

Underneath all the outward and inward chaos, he's actually a compassionate person. He loves art and literature, is a bit of a hopeless romantic, and has only ever wanted a place to belong. This soft side is rarely shown, because he doesn't usually trust anyone enough to let it slip. When it does, however, he can be an exceptionally loyal and caring companion.

Family: Max comes from a very wealthy, eccentric family. His mother is French and his father is Italian. They both work in the fashion industry: his mother is an ex-model and designs now, and his father is a designer and also owns a well known fashion publication.

- - - - -

If this plot interests you, feel free to send me an email! We can work out a plot and more details, and flesh out our characters.

I also have other plot ideas! If you're interestd but not loving this plot, please email me and let me know you'd like to hear my other plots. Or, if you have ideas of your own, I'd love to hear them!

Contact me at: colormehorror@gmail.com

m/m rp, email, nsfw

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