M/M fandoms and originals

Jul 10, 2021 15:51

Hello! 21+ here in GMT time seeking 18+ partners for 18+ characters. Love angst, fluff, action, hurt/comfort... everything in between. I can go rather lengthy and love multi-para/Novella style rp’s with quality and quantity considered. I’m semi-regular in my responses due to currently being quite ill - I’m not working but can occasionally just care about being in my bed. I enjoy sharing things that remind me of our characters, whether it be songs or art. As well as that, I’m all about an equal exchange of ideas and enjoy plotting with my partner.

Bold is who I would prefer to play. I have ideas for all these but would love someone who brings more to the table than just a ‘hey, rp?’ introduction. Tell me your initial thoughts/ideas/interests and tell me about yourself!




I would prefer something AU after years of writing them as canon. Maybe a star-crossed lovers type deal with Harry as royalty and Eggsy as a commoner. Or a Legend crossover? Twins, Eggsy and Teddy. Maybe Ronnie in there, dragging Harry into a different sort of trouble than Kingsman are used to. Or a post-apocalyptic story with them being from different groups, meeting and falling in love in the chaos.

White Collar

- Neal/Peter

Would love to maybe do some focus on the cat and mouse years. What would happen if Peter caught him earlier but they shared a moment that then allowed Neal to slip away? How would this transfer when they start working cases? Slow-burn perfection.

- Neal/Mozzie

Again, they’re perfect for slow-burn. Mutual or one-sided pining. Maybe Moz going to Paris to reunite with Neal?

La Casa de Papel

- Berlin/Palermo

So many options for these two! Prison AU? College AU? Berlin surviving and being in the Mint? Palermo being a hostage? Them meeting at the first heist? Let’s plan!

MCU (I prefer rare pairs)

- Pietro/Tony

Forbidden/Unapproved relationship. FWB. Sneaking around. Time for the twins’ relationship as well as Tony’s own Like with Rhodey and Pepper. Maybe set when the Avengers are bought in for training. Tony stays. Tries his best. Sometimes fails. But Pietro realises he’s not living with a villain.

- Thor/Bruce

Perhaps set in New Asgard? Instead of becoming Prof Hulk, Bruce stays with Thor. Just two bros sharing a cottage together. Falling in love. Angst aplenty.

- Clint/Bucky

Specifically comic Clint. I’m no Renner fan. But maybe we could keep the farm? I just think it would be real neat to have Bucky turn up there coincidentally or whatever and that being where he does his post-CATWS healing after he pulls Steve outta the water. Them keeping it a secret. Falling in love. Eventually having to return to the world. Just Clint, Lucky and his slightly feral wolf who swears immediate loyalty to him.

BBC Hustle

- Sean/Ash.

I would also be more than happy play an ex boyfriend of Ash’s who broke his heart and closed him off to love. Maybe Danny? A FWB type situation between Kennedy and Morgan ensues between cons and inevitably turns to love.

Stranger Things

- Billy/Steve

Lots of possibilities for these two. A post-Season 2 type story where Billy makes amends in his own way by turning up at Scoops regularly and ‘pulling Steve’s pigtails’ aka flirting with him by being an a-hole. Maybe Max eventually tells him to pull his finger out and just apologise to Steve and Lucas and the others. Can be set with the backdrop of warm summer nights, parties, pool days… maybe all eventually leading to a different season 3.
I’m open to anything with these two! My main thing is that you don’t neuter Billy. He’s troubled. Let him be.

- Hopper/Steve


Cousin/Cousin’s fiancé.

- I have this idea of a 9-5 M/F couple who met through work and have their whole life planned out to the letter, essentially ending in a white picket fence, 2 kids type thing. Then they take a vacation to see her family and her fiancé meets her cousin. A young man who lives life completely differently. Someone like Alexis Rose, with wild stories and amazing energy. The whole family are seen the ‘eccentric ones’ and only tolerated by her because they live in a gorgeous coastal town somewhere abroad and she essentially gets free vacations. It’s a new experience for the fiancé and he finds himself quickly developing feelings for his future wife’s cousin (could also be her brother!)

Client/Younger Man

Something original based around the lovely short film ‘Daddy’ with Dylan Sprouse, available on YouTube. An exploration of love and grief and empathy, set in hotel rooms. We could also write this as a Harry/Eggsy AU.

Email: artandapollo@yahoo.com
Discord: jackbauer#9159

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