Original M/M Search!

Mar 09, 2021 09:54

Hello, there! My name is Wren, I'm 24 and have been RPing for over 10 years now. I'm currently looking for NSFW stories, with plenty of plot.

I'm an artist and currently work from home (yay!). I'm in CST timezone. I write m/m couples and prefer to let characters develope naturally, but I typically dislike strict top/bottom roles. I may be swayed to play bottoms in certain plots, if you'd prefer it. Since I'm at home for now, I can usually get to at least one every couple days, sometimes every day. It really depends, but I'll always let you know if there's going to be a delay of more than a few days. And I'm fine with any frequency of replies from my partner! I tend to get too excited about stories and end up writing a lot haha, but I usually match what I'm given and anything around 500+ words or so is fine by me! I also love to chat OOC and gush about our characters, world build, plot, send memes and share music that reminds us of our characters, etc!

As far as writing goes, I write 3rd person past tense. Length depends on the scene, starters can be long and periods of lots of dialogue can be shorter. I usually like more plot to smut, but I'm currently feeling like writing a little more smut-heavy stories. A 50/50 split would be good, I think! My only kink limits are the more extreme things (toilet anything, beastiality, incest, bloodplay, underage, etc). I'm also not really into ABO dynamics or curries . I'll always let you know if I'm uncomfortable with something! All characters must be 18+. I’m also down for having multiple characters and possibly couples in one RP, if the story calls for it.

I RP over email only, but I have a Discord I can give you if you'd prefer to ooc chat on that!

Now, onto the fun!



Detective x Informant:

• In a big city, a serial killer is running rampant. With a confusing, gruesome modus operandi, it's been nearly impossible to track them down. Leads on the victims have gone nowhere, anonymous tips all turned out to be pranks or simply misinformation, and bodies keep showing up in unexpected places. The precinct in charge of investigating the crimes are at their wit's end. Even with the FBI involved, they're close to losing their minds when a new body shows up. This one is identifiable: a young man who they find was part of a hardcore, underground music scene. Even more telling, he has a split tongue.

After tracking down where, exactly, this man got the surgery on his tongue, they send out a detective to investigate. YC is this detective. He could be a regular one, or undercover. The precinct's best, or a disgraced one on the verge of being fired. Whatever the case, YC is sent to a small shop situated behind a bar and strip club called Delirium. The shop operates as a "body modification" business, but there are rumors black market surgeries are preformed there as well.

Inside, YC meets MC, a self-proclaimed surgeon with an interesting history. Desperate for any lead that may help, YC strikes a deal with MC, promising MC immunity from any legal charges against him and his business if he agrees to become an informant. Surprisingly, MC agrees. Even more surprisingly, the two end up quickly embroiled in a sexual relationship and start spending more time together investigating the crime than they probably should. With YC's status and knowledge, and MC's connections, they finally start unravelling the mystery of the city's prolific serial killer.

• I'd also be up for any other crime-related plot!

Angel x demon/The Devil

• MC is an angel on a mission. He wants to cleanse Earth of evil, to save the humans he loves so much. Even if that means taking down Satan himself. Self-righteous and a little arrogant, MC would like to consider himself the perfect angel. However, when on Earth, he can't seem to resist temptation. He has a long track record of sins committed, mostly to do with drink, drugs, and sex. Though he's repented for every single one, he's starting to feel less and less inclined to. Even worse, he hasn't repented for the worst one -- blasphemy. MC thinks he could run the world better than God.

That's where YC comes in. He could be the Devil himself, or a high ranking demon. Either way, he takes note of MC's pesky presence and decides to do something about it. YC tracks MC down and starts up a conversation. He discreetly supplies MC with the vices he can't resist to get him talking so he can get more information out of him. That night, they even end up sleeping together. In the morning, however, YC makes a surprising offer: he wants to help MC make Earth a better place, even if that means taking God down in the process.

Drug Addict x Sponsor

• MC is a drug addict looking for a new lease on life. He ends up striking a strange deal with YC, a wealthy businessman who is an ex-addict himself. YC will help this poor guy get clean and allow him to stay at his place, as long as he does whatever he tells him to along the way. MC, without any other option, accepts and their new life together behins. Quickly, however, MC realized that maybe this charming tycoon isn't as proper as he seems to be on the surface.

Super Villain x Super Villain

• This town is too small for two super villains. Well, not really, it's actually a huge city. That doesn't keep YC and MC from hating each other, though. They both want the glory of being the biggest and baddest, of making the superheroes tremble before them. Only, that's hard to do when their work is constantly being sabatoged by the other. Every big chance they get is foiled, and now they've descended into a petty game of trying to destroy the other at every opportunity. It has consumed them so much that not only are they focusing less on the superheroes, but now a strange new feeling has started to form between them. They want to throttle each other, but they also kind of want to make out. Maybe a little stress relief could be a good thing?

• I'm up for any other superhero/super villain/mutant pairings and plots, as well!

• Pirates on the high sea! Or maybe even space pirates, like Treasure Planet? If it involves sea shanties and sword fighting, I'm in!

• Cyberpunk/futuristic anything! Two hackers enter a cyber battle that leads them to meet in real life? A futuristic Robin Hood ends up falling for the son of one of the city's wealthiest men, who he was trying to rob? Two criminals cross paths and end up joining forces for an even grander plan? I want to hear your ideas, too!

• Dark academia! I've never gotten to write this genre and I would absolutely love to. Maybe rival students at a college become embroiled in a competition on who's the best? A student and his professor end up in a messy, secret relationship? I may have a rough idea of a plot/character for this genre, if you're interested!

• I would love to hear your ideas for plots or characters! I'm open to most ideas, so tell me what you've been craving and let's see if we can work something fun out!

Word Bank/Other Ideas:

enemies to lovers || hate sex || cyberpunk || sci-fi || age gaps || supernatural || bdsm || violence || morally grey || sexual tension || redemption || adventure || criminal x law enforcement || sex worker x law enforcement || space || power struggles || love triangle || character development || competition || horror ||


If any of this sounds interesting to you, shoot me an email! Let me know a bit about you, your likes and dislikes, and any plots you like or ideas you have.

Contact: colormehorror@gmail.com

m//, email rp, m/m, original

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