one gay, please

Feb 03, 2021 00:53

hey there! you can call me dreamer. she/her, pan person who is Very enthusiastic about all things gay! 24, GMT timezone with quite the hectic sleep schedule, cat mom (will totally send you pics if you ask)! been writing on and off since i was like, 11? (i got exposed to the internet way too young lmao) i’m not gonna claim to be amazing at writing or anything, though. if you’d like to see a writing sample, just ask!

the roleplay stuff:

i love me some original roleplays! canon stuff isn’t my cup of tea unfortunately

i usually write in 3rd person, past tense (present tense is ok with me if you prefer!)

quality > quantity! i don’t pay attention to my word count tbh; i just write whatever’s appropriate for the situation. my minimum is probably around, like, 200-ish? and i can go up to 3k, maybe more. it really depends on what’s happening! but i always make sure to give my partner something to work with, ofc! i just Really like describing my character’s thoughts and feelings

my reply frequency varies depending on what’s happening in my life (which is nothing, currently). i really don’t think i can go for a post every day all the time, so it’s more of 2-3 times a week. even though i have nothing going on, sometimes i just wanna enjoy other hobbies that day or chill and binge random youtube videos, y’know? the upside is that the same applies to you: just because you *can* reply at to the roleplay doesn’t mean you *have* to in that given moment, and i’m more than happy just chatting! also, pls be ok with posts being shorter and scenes being slower during things like conversations and when setting the scene!

which takes me to my next thing! ooc chatter is like, super important to me. no matter how good a person’s writing or characters are, if i feel like they’re very into talking with me, i get demotivated quickly. so *please* be open to talking! i would definitely like to at least attempt to be buddies and be able to send you songs and memes and images that remind me of our characters/roleplay!

i LOVE romance! however, it’s not a requirement, and i’m just as happy to do something platonic or like, see whether our characters have natural chemistry rather than pre-planning anything. unfortunately, i am Not into hetero romances between our characters. at all. but give me all your bisexual and gay and lesbian and nonbinary characters and i will be more than happy!

mature themes (alcohol, drugs, violence, smut, etc.) are a-ok. smut is also cool! i’ve honestly been wanting to try my hand at writing more smut, so if you’re also into that (with the plot still being the major focus tho) then that’s awesome! if not, fade to black is still fine with me! just let me know your comfort level with sexual topics and the other mature stuff because the last thing i wanna do is mention anything that will make you uncomfortable. that said, whether you’re fine with mature themes or not, please be 18+!! It’s just a comfort thing for me personally!

if we do go with smutty stuff, i’m not down with top/bottom dynamics, honestly. switching is where it’s at (or at the very least not forcing roles from the very beginning and letting things happen naturally) my limits are: adult/minor, master/slave, incest, bestiality, toilet stuff, extremely toxic/unhealthy relationships, and romanticized abuse. those are the ones i can think of, but if you aren’t sure of something, feel free to ask!!

now that we are hopefully on the same page, you may be wondering, what about plot ideas? well, i do have those! however, i’m kind of looking for something centered more around our characters. there still has to be some kind of plot, of course, but i’m very interested in character interaction and development right now moreso than getting from point A to point B in the story as fast as we can. basically, i’ve got a bunch of characters of mine whom i’m itching to use and flesh out, and i’d love to put any of them against your character(s) and see what happens! my characters already have some sort of ongoing story or whatever so it definitely wouldn’t be hard to create something together!

otherwise, right now i’m particularly craving anything involving demons, whether it’s demons n humans, demons n angels, demons n other demons, etc! anything supernatural/urban fantasy or within that realm would be great tbh, as well as anything with magical elements, whether major or minor! i’m also very into thieves and bounty hunters and anything that would fit under dnd stuff! also… bands and punks and rebels, etc. i’ve probably got at least one oc for everything i’ve just mentioned if you’d like to hear about ‘em!

besides all that, don’t be afraid to come to me with your own ideas/concepts at all!! just because i didn’t list them doesn’t mean i’m not interested in them; these’re just off the top of my head! otherwise, if you are interested in hearing about my characters, just let me know and i'll happily ramble about them! i'd love love looove to hear about yours as well, if you've got any!

contact info:

when you contact me, please tell me a bit about yourself and what you’d like to write together! i’ve got discord for OOC chatter, but i prefer to give those out after an initial email. take care!

f/f, m/m, original

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