Originals and Fandoms!

Jul 01, 2020 19:25

Hello! You can call me blue. I'm a 23F and I've been writing for around 10+ years. Please be 18+, as I will not roleplay with anyone under that age range whatsoever.  Since I'd like to keep this short and sweet, I'll list a few key points here below the cut!

- All characters will be aged up to at least 18 years if applicable.  
- No one liners.  
- 3rd person past tense.  
- Worldbuilding! I love chatting OOC and raving about our characters and their world, coming up with various AUs and scenarios, and overall just having fun. The OOC chatter isn't necessary, but immersion as well as character interaction with side characters is! I've had partners who refused to touch a character that wasn't their own, and while I can't double with two mains I do enjoy building on characters and having interactions with the world and people around them.  
- Grammar. I understand errors are inevitable - I make them too. However, please don't make me unscramble and decipher what kind of sentence you are trying to construct. :c  
- Face claims are fine! Whether it's anime-esque or real really depends on what we are going for, but in the end I do prefer real.  
- I only do M/M.  
- I can reply a few times a week, sometimes more in just one day on a good day. I do lose interest if responses take weeks in between, sorry!  
- I don't want positions in bed to dictate an entire character. I highly prefer switches because of this reason, but I do enjoy writing tops just as much as bottoms with the proper characters. No Mary Sues, please. I don't want an entire sob fest centered around one character that needs to be pampered.  
- Quality over quantity. I typically write around 3 decently sized paragraphs, but tend to match my partner and can go for more.  
- Yes, I do smut. I won't fade to black, and I'm not into toilet play, necrophilia, underage, incest, furry/bestiality, odd fetishes, etc.  
- I don't mind blood or bruises or even some gore! Depending on the scenario or RP we are going for, it's just gonna happen. Just... nothing weird or sexual in regards to those things please. I do love darker, angsty plots as well!  
- As far as fandoms go, I only do canon/canon.  
- I only write through email.

Okay, onto the actual pairings now! Here are the fandoms I'm looking for. Again, I'm open to any ideas and AUs! Bolded are who I would prefer to play.

- Bakugo/Kirishima from My Hero Academia  
- Simon/Conor from Dark Haven  
- He Tian/Mo Guanshan from 19 Days  
- Oikawa/Iwaizumi from Haikyuu!!  
- Bertholdt/Reiner from Attack on Titan  
- Altair/Malik from Assassin's Creed

And now some originals! I'll list a few pairings I'd be interested in down below. Just throw any ideas you have right at me, and we can discuss further!   
- Demon/Hunter  
- Demon/Angel  
- Demon or shifter/Cop  
- Childhood friends  
- Shifter/Shifter  
- Shifter prince/Guard  
- Cop/Criminal

There aren't many, but I've been in a supernatural mood lately lmao. Please feel free to suggest your own original pairings, I'm open for lots more! If any of this interested you at all, please DM me here first so we can exchange email, and I hope to hear from you soon!

assassin's creed, 19 days, fandom, haikyuu!!, email, original, dark haven, my hero academia, attack on titan

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