Long term voltron rp

Apr 09, 2020 14:47

Greetings ladies, gents and fellow rper’s! I’m on the prowl for some rpers who are willing to stick around for a long long time (during and after the corona. Long term means long term for a reason) to write some voltron adventures with me. I have two ideas that we can do but alternatively, given it fits the requirements I have, I’m open to making something of our own.

First idea: more than just space lions

After the galran earth invasion was taken care of the paladins of voltron realised just how much trouble and strife they were in. With zarkon, haggar, lotor and Sendak now doing their best to outdo one another in causing mayhem and destruction voltron could not help everyone at once. Only problem was that the paladins were the only one who knew how to deal with the villainous aliens and were the only ones with the power and technology to fight them. Forget the freedom fighters, they needed more. It was a surprise to everyone when Coran, the ever bumbling let loyal altean adviser of princess allura, suggested an idea that was the beginning of paving a new path for the legendary defenders of the universe: train the cadets at the academy to pilot and fly animal space ships of their own. At first the idea was scoffed at and argued over. What good could possibly come from this idea? What if there was a cadet lurking around that had the same thirst for power and lustful greed that zarkon had had that had driven him against his team so many years ago? After much reassurance that the paladins themselves would still be the ones who controlled voltron and would overlook the teachings of the cadets the garrison council members relented. From that day onwards it was decreed that all cadets, upon entering the academy, would build a robotic animal companion that would eventually serve as the model for the ship they’d build upon graduation. What animal they chose, their ability to work independently or with a team, their skills, weaknesses and personality would determine their eventual spot on a designated team that the voltron paladins themselves would put the cadets in.

Sounds awesome amirite? Well there are some important points of notice here that I need you to make sure you understand that I’ve put down below:

-lotor, zarkon, haggar and Sendak are alive in this rp (think of it as an alternative take on what could’ve happened in the series.)

- this will have a mix of lore from defender of the universe, voltron force and of course legendary defender. It will also contain personal head canons and whatever other ideas we brain storm together. If you have only watched one of the above do not panic as I will still rp with you and happily fill you in on important details.

-the canon characters are playable but I unfortunately will not be playing as one constantly. If you want to be playing as a canon character all the time it is perfectly fine by me but please note I will rarely play multiples (I will have most focus on my main) and I will not double for anyone.

-there will be aliens and half alien cadets in the rp. I would prefer that hybrids look alien or at least are an even mix (excluding galran hybrids since it’s been shown their genes are recessive in hybrids. That being said if you want to play a galran looking hybrid I have no qualms about it whatsoever.)

- you have to be 18+ as I’m in my twenties and Will not rp with anyone who is underaged nor will I rp with people who use underaged characters. The other reason is because there will be smut (I don’t fade to black) and other NSFW themes.

- you must respond once or more a day. Any longer than two weeks without a reply (unless you’ve told me in advance as to why you may be unable to respond) and I shall simply move on.

-MxM? MXF? Definite up for either as I’m comfortable with those pairings but I will only rp as a male character.

-unfortunately, since I’m not going to be regularly playing as a canon character (again, you can be one if your heart so desires it) and since I’m not a big fan of it, I will not respond to shipping requests.I feel like people just get too caught up in it and the rp just goes down the hole of wasted ness.

- rivals? Friends? acquaintances that either go good or bad? So down for it but I’m a total enemies to friends or lovers person so if we do I shall squeal with joy and thank you.

-I’m open to ideas being added and put on the table to make the rp even better than it already is.

-don’t control my characters please. I shouldn’t have to say anymore than that.

-3rd person style only with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. You must also give me at least one well fleshed out paragraph and be willing to write more if necessary.

Not too much to ask for eh? Now down below is the other idea.

Second idea: voltron: the next generation defenders

The paladins of voltron were the best beyond all compare. Mighty space warriors with hearts of gold and souls of silver. People sometimes seemed to forget that one day, even they would have to step down and pass the mantel of paladin to five young heroes who’d continue to defend the universe. Being barely more than youngsters themselves they all had a lot of time to wait, only problem was the fear that they may leave it till they were too old to train anyone. Best start things whilst young was a common earthling saying. Surely it was the best of the best that were going to be chosen. After all, you couldn’t be nothing when it came to something as serious as this.

Important points are the same as with the other rp. I honestly do not mind if both are ideas are something we want to meld and mix together to provide an even more awesome rp.

Whilst it’s true we are drawing to the end of this ad there are some even more important things I need to ad and they’re about me. I’ve put them down below.

- I’ve had about ten years role playing and writing experience. I’m not going to bash you for the occasional bout of typonese but I won’t tolerate lazy writing.

-I live in the eastern Australian time zone but I’m up almost every hour of the day so time zones shouldn’t be an issue.

- I only rp male alien or half alien characters. They’re premade, don’t have pictures or face claims and they’re not you’re average blue skinned humanoids. I only have descriptions of them. Please remember that an alien is simply something not from planet earth and that means they can have fur, scales, feathers, etc but this does not make them furries or scalies. Please do not try to insist that my character is a furry or anthro as that will not convince me that you’re a suitable rp partner. Please also remember that this is fiction, I will not tolerate hyper realism (trying to tell me that my aliens can’t be hybrids simply because humans and chimps can’t have babies is not a valid excuse) and if you come to me displaying a great deal of it I will not rp with you.

- relationship dynamic wise I only do switch dynamics, no sub/dom dynamics. Romance must be slow burn only, no fast paced love at first sight.

-I only rp on discord, telegram, google hangouts or email. I will not rp anywhere else.

-again, I’m not looking to fulfill shipping desires so please do not come at me asking for klance or sheith.

For those who’ve read this mammoth of a post thank you. If you’re at all interested either leave a message or contact me via discord or the other platforms I’ve listed down below:

Discord: tiberionsunsconqourer#6187

Telegram: Tiberionwars

Email and hangouts: lleo52560@gmail.com

I shall eagerly await for all those who are interested.

oc and canon, 18+ only, canon universe, m/m, nsfw, m/f

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