M/M Original Roleplays wanted! (Superheros, fantasy, supernaturals, oh my!)

Aug 07, 2019 16:13

Hello! :D

I am Blaise, go by He/him, +21, gay as heck, who would love to get back into some good ol' longterm rps with a fantasy theme,supernatural theme and looking for Superhero plots (Superhero/villain also okay). If romance blossoms then please M/M couples or even OT3s are my jam too ! As long as they are healthy and happy relationships.

I probably will be busy a lot but I will be as active as I can but I may be slow at times just as a heads up. I prefer to rp with someone +18, just because I like to chat with people around my age group.

I can rp through discord and email! Personally, I am more active with discord however email is fine too! I would like to chat through email first before giving you my discord. If you have sent me a message before, sorry! try sending again!

My Email: SmallQueerandAngry@gmail.com

(As long as you read the cut off below)

Please drop a hello, but also tell me a bit about yourself! or maybe If you have an idea, a character or even tell me your favorite food. Just ANYTHING more than just "hey. lets rp."

I am very open to OOC chatting! I prefer it actually cause then it is easier to plan a story together, throw ideas, and I personally think it's nice to make friends with other rpers!

How I Rp, and some rules!:

-I write 3rd person style and usually long length paragraphs from 3-4 paragraphs and sometimes even more especially with side characters or NPCs.

-If you wish to do a romance, then please know that I am a slow brewer. Soft fluffy stuff gives me life! I don't mind some smut, but please, let's not make it the whole plot.

-I prefer switches. Had too many bad experiences with people and strict dom/sub roles. (get me some big strong bois here) Besides, its better to explore when you switch!

-I am open to playing out full intimate scenes if our rp goes to that. However, if you are uncomfortable or prefer to fade to black. I do not mind at all!! Even if we already have done a scene and you just suddenly don't feel like it's right for you, Please let me know. I won't ask any questions about it!

-Please be honest. If you lie about your age and you are under 18, I will completely stop our rp. End of story.

Big no's for me:

As a general thing, no racism, homophobia and jokes about rape. I personally just don't want to be chatting with someone who is like that.

I am pretty open for a lot of kinks however I have some limits.

Anything that should belong in the toilet STAYS in the toilet...

No feet fetishes.
No rape/non-con
No incest
No adult/minor relationships infact, no minors AT ALL.
No Gore fetishes (I dont mind violence and action but not a fan of gushing blood while sleeping with someone.)

Tell me what are your no's or anything you are uncomfortable with if it comes to that.



- Superhero/Villain
- Superhero/Superhero
- Human/alien (space explorers are a heck yes in my book)
- human/supernatural (human coming to move into a town full of supernatural monsters unknowingly)
- Supernatural/Supernatural
- Knight/Knight
- Rogue/Knight

Also into some Slice of life, action/adventure, Rival, brotp, and lots of characters.

Lots of characters are very welcomed but if you wish to only play as one that is totally fine but just know I will have a lot of characters come in. If you are interested I would love to hear some ideas you have as well.

I prefer Oc/Oc with an original story, I don't do Oc/Canon or Canon/Canon.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this!! Hope to hear from you all soon!

fantasy, m/m/m, m/m, superhero, original, supernatural, sci-fi

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