My name is Erin, I'm in my twenties and have been role-playing for 10+ years. I'm a decent writer, though like everyone I have a typo here or there I miss. I only roleplay slash/yaoi or whatever you want to call it. Also 99.9% of the time I play the more submissive character. Now that doesn't mean he's a little bitch, but I just have a hard time writing the dominate boy in the relationship. I've tried, it doesn't come out right. Jeez, I seriously hate talking about me like this, I never know what to say. So yeah.
I am currently looking for someone to play against my favourite character to play, my Izzy. Izzy really isn't everyone's cup of tea, and I can understand and respect that. He's a fun, sassy, quirky little crossdresser.
Here are *some* examples of my writing if you're interested. I'm not crazy picky, I just want someone literate who will give at least one good paragraph at the very least. Preferably I do multi-paragraph posts but long as I'm given something to work with and be able to reply a good deal back then I'm usually happy. These also give you a little look at some of the different ways I have played my Izzy in the past as I'm looking to play him again.
Line One: Line Two: Line Three: With the themes of my roleplay I do require my partner to be at least 18. Don't need to get in any trouble.
I am quite often quite mean to my own characters, I enjoy mean/abusive RPs, abusing my own character making them a drug addict or something of the like. But that does not mean that is all I do. I also like some happy, romantic shit if that's what you're into.
I like supernatural RPs, meaning wizard's, powers, vampires, werewolves, ect. When i give Izzy any supernatural blood he's usually a fae. The closest example I can give to what my dad are like is True Blood. I had based my original fae off them forever and a day ago and slowly made them more of my own.
I also like slice of life, dangerous life, gangs or mobs, or high school for another few examples of some of my favourites.
Things that will turn me off of a line pretty damn quickly if not Instantly are furries, toilet play, and pure fluff- because I need me some drama.
Anything else you want to know go right ahead and ask.
Contact Me:
tumblr: TomiShaped
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