I've come in peace....

Mar 09, 2017 14:35

Hey folks. It's me, Naxdaru. It's been a LONG time since I last put up an ad. But now, here I am again. This time around, I'll just cut to the chase. I'll give the rundown of myself: I'm 26, been roleplaying for nearly ten years now (that's nearly a decade!), I'm an aspiring writer, and my style is in third-person paragraph form. When it comes to potential roleplaying partners, there are some qualities that I look for; great, cool qualities that I want in an ideal roleplaying partner. For what these qualities are, here they are...






If you fit the bill with these, then I welcome you with open arms. \o/

Now, I'm on the lookout for roleplayers who strive to be writers, or, just roleplayers who strive to be, well, roleplayers. It's fine if you're interested in becoming a writer for serious or for a hobby. We all have different aspirations.

For who I am like in roleplaying:

Having flexibility, a versatile post length (from one-liners in dialogue scenes to paragraphs in action scenes), third-person paragraph form (as I stated above), I can play males and females and whatever orientation, characters of any age, both hetero and homo pairings, play one or more than one character, original and canon characters, into many genres, no goddamn problem with language (outside of more kiddie-friendly stories), and, last but oh, for sure, not least: I'm fine with all ratings (G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17).

On the particular subjects of romance, smut, and violence and gore: I'm fine with 'em, really, but please, for the love of everything that is merciful in the world, neither of these things don't have to be in EVERY story we do. Platonic, smutless, and non-violent and gory stories can be just as good, you know.

Besides having these qualities above, I want potential partners to have flexibility as well, give effort, believe in the glorious virtue of "quality over quantity", open to OOC chit-chat, love world- and character-building, discussion of ideas, not caring about their partner's sex or gender, not snapping when you dislike something we discuss, not an agent of the grammar police, have a good grasp on English, doesn't godmod, is 18+ years old, blah, blah, blah...

Oh, and since I had several partners desert me without a peep before, I have to state this crucial advisory: no ditching without warning! Please, at least tell me before you depart.

Now we've come to the good stuff -- my original stuff and my fandoms!

As for the original stuff, well, I'll only send a link to the page where you can read it. Putting it all on here would cause heaps more text in this ad (and depriving folks of their attention in the process)...

Or, if none of the original stuff interest you, I'm okay with making universes of our own together, or trying out your universes! :)

As for the fandoms, I'll list 'em up for you. Be prepared; there are a lot...

...and here we... go. (ala The Dark Knight)

- Jackie Chan Adventures
- Teen Titans (I got a couple OCs for this)
- Xiaolin Showdown / Chronicles
- The Magic School Bus (a childhood treasure of mine...)
- Scooby-Doo
- Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra
- Code Lyoko
- Arthur (another childhood treaasure)
- Naruto / Boruto (I also got an OC for this)
- Bleach
- One Piece
- Dragon Ball (original / Z / GT / Super)
- Pokemon (original / Advanced / Diamond & Pearl (?))
- Digimon (Adventure / 02 / Tamers / Frontier)
- Yu-Gi-Oh! (original / GX / 5D's / Zexal (?))
- Death Note
- Hellsing
- Shigurui: Death Frenzy (this one's probably obscure; awesome series, by the way)
- Inazuma Eleven (original / Go! / Chrono Stone / Galaxy)
- Ginga e Kickoff (Victory Kickoff) (REALLY obscure)
- Captain Tsubasa (soccer manga/anime franchise, also obscure)
- Hunter x Hunter
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- Haikyuu!
- Free!
- Hetalia
- Street Fighter
- The King of Fighters (?)
- Kingdom Hearts

Congratulations! You've made it through to the end of my ad! Only one thing left to find out, and it's my contact info. I mainly RP on Google Docs and I use instant messengers for discussion and planning. For the ways to contact me, just see below. Go on. See it.

GDocs: naxdarablaze@gmail.com
AIM: ranehikuwriting
Yahoo!: exniphaventures
Skype: ranehikuwriting
NEW! Discord: NaxdaruBlaze#7486

Remember that after you add me on any of those messengers above, please state that you added me from this place, and tell me your age, RP style, and whatever fandoms or original stuff you have.

Lookin' forward to talkin' with ya! o/

multigenre, storytellers, role play, role-players, friendly, video games, roleplay, fandom, yugioh, skype_rp, writing, yu-gi-oh!, 18+, original, cartoon rp, urban fantasy, steampunk, bleach rp, sci-fi, contemporary, role playing, special abilities, anime, cross-over, lgbt, panfandom, m/f, original character, role-play, horror, want ad, original characters, scifi, rp, pokemon, aph, instant message, roleplaying, canon, superpowers, kingdom hearts, survival, naruto, modern, f/f, yaoi friendly, yuri friendly, modern fantasy, hetalia, game, canon characters, cartoons, oc, m/m, manga, third-person, multifandom, supernatural, multi-genre, historical, yu yu hakusho, 1st or 3rd person, writers, fantasy, slice of life, original fantasy, action

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